W3 Company - Index of Company Photos  Whakaahua


photographs are indexed for easy reference             want to contribute a photograph..?

acknowledgements and disclaimers

Coy Photo 1969      1Pl       2Pl       3Pl     Coy HQ     mortars and assault pioneers
examples of operational terrain and typical visibility    relevant maps fire support bases
general operations W3 Tent Lines Nui Dat life in Nui Dat between Ops
people relaxing - Upton photos Vung Tau and other breaks helicopter types
final parade Nov 1970 final BBQ Nov 1970 exit Vietnam Nov 1970
Nui Dat 2005 family story index post-Vietnam and reunions
Terendak Life service story index Nee Soon Garrison

types of terrain in Phuoc Tuy Province - the APC give a scale perspective

rolling grassland up to 2 metres in height - hot & difficult to walk through [Binning]
rolling grassland up to 2 metres in height -
hot and difficult to walk through
 damaged secondary jungle - made for slow foot movement & poor visibility  [Binning
damaged secondary jungle - made for slow
foot movement and poor visibility
view from coastal mountains down across the flatlands  [Binning
view from coastal mountains down across the flatlands
 greatest part of the AO was flatland with few navigational features  [Binning
most of the AO was flatland with few navigational features
close country with loads of cover for ambushes - look carefully, there are at least two people in the open, plus loads of equipment [Young]
close country with cover for ambushes - look carefully,
there are at least two people in the open, plus equipment
 Wolverton or Nui Dinh Mountains - Baria town & main road to Saigon bottom right  [Young]
Wolverton or Nui Dinh Mountains - Baria town and main
road to Saigon bottom right
 disused padi fields in the dry season (November - May) - little tactical cover or protection  [Young]
disused padi in the dry season (November - May)
little tactical cover or protection
padi fields in the wet season (May - November) - avoided operationally where possible  [Young]
padi in the wet season (May - November)
avoided operationally where possible
flat sandy terrain inland from the coast  [Young]
flat sandy terrain inland from the coast
jungle bashing by APC - troops on top for observation & rapid deployment [Binning]
jungle bashing by APC - troops on top for
observation and rapid deployment
primary jungle - the preferred operational environment  [Binning]
primary jungle - the preferred operational environment
typical view of operations around the base of the mountains showing the typical intermingling of different terrain which required tactical formations to be changed frequently  [Binning]
typical view around mountains showing the intermingling of different terrain requiring tactical formations to be changed frequently

photo gallery index

Operating in the Bush - Examples of Visibility
low visibility, deep shadow
low visibility, deep shadow
bomb crater has disturbed the vegetation, made the edges very rough to traverse
bomb crater has disturbed the vegetation, made
the edges very rough to traverse
 crowded & difficult to move through or observe any distance
crowded and difficult to move through or to observe any distance
in appearance open, but with lots of cover & different angles of observation
in appearance open, but with lots of cover and
different angles of observation
Graham Edwards 2Pl moving in the bush [Philips]
Pte Graham Edwards 2Pl moving in the bush,
equipment origin hard to identify
the going changes constantly from open to close to dense to rough to open & so on
the going changes constantly from open to close
to dense to rough to open and so on
only limited movement possible, the dense sides of the track almost defy anyone to leave the track [Roger Greenaway moving slowly..]
only limited movement on tracks, the dense borders
channel movement - Pte Roger Greenaway Coy HQ
people blend in easily through use of shade & lack of movement
people blend in easily through use of shade
and lack of movement

photo gallery index