W3 Company - Photo History

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Bob Upton Selection

Bob Upton has volunteered a selection of photos from the latter half of the tour [assumed from the presence of Jim Cutler and Harry Hemana].  If the photos of the post-op parade and BBQ were taken around the same time it is likely the dates would be 10-11 August 1970 given W Coy went to Vung Tau on 11 August.

2Pl post-op muster with Cpl Wally Goodman listing chores.  Sgt Hemana centre of photo with shirt, others are in various states of undress to be checked for medical conditions or skin issues [Upton]

centre of picture are the FOO Lt Kevin O'Brien with Bob Brumm [about this time the AFOO with 3Pl] and Mick Sullivan from his FOO party, grey head at left is Sgt Larry O'Brien mortars and MFC 1 Pl. Roger Wait unit armourer is centre left and Dave Spence centre right [tee-shirt] [Upton]

typical start to post-op BBQ, OC giving feedback and mentioning significant dates or facts about different people.
CSM is to his right, then Jim Cutler 1Pl Comd [Upton]

Maj Torrance embarrassing Rick Schwass in front of peers,
likely a birthday. [Upton]

Rau te Haara, Ngatoko Kupe [standing on a pallet for extra height]
Bob Upton and Chris Stock [in rear] [Upton]

road convoy for Vung Tau at entrance to W Coy lines. 2Pl appear to be in the rear truck with guitar at the ready [Upton]

The remaining photos are from bush time, probably reflecting 2Pl at FSPB GAIL from 9 September 1970

John Hoani 2Pl with grey bamboo snake [Upton]

Richard Schwass and others getting a meal from hotboxes, likely FSPB GAIL on Route 15 around the coast from Baria [Upton]

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