W3 Company - Photo History

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Vung Tau and other breaks

forming for R&C: identifiable are Bridge, Greenaway, Mitchell, Ryan, Bennett, Henry [Stock]
forming for R&C: identifiable are Bridge, Greenaway, Mitchell, Ryan, Bennett, Henry [Stock]

road outside Peter Badcoe Club - Vung Tau

1 ALSG facilities - Vung Tau

Peter Badcoe leave centre swimming pool - Vung Tau
Manu Fong, Ginge Philips
Peter Badcoe mini-golf course Manu Fong, Trevor Philips

cab rank outside main base gate - Vung Tau

Peter Badcoe Club - Philippine concert party
South China Sea at Vung Tau beach near Peter Badcoe Club - Les Nissen & Graham Harris with boards [Philip]
South China Sea at Vung Tau beach near Peter Badcoe Club - Les Nissen and Graham Harris with boards [Philip]
Welsh, Newson, Sampson  [Welsh]
Welsh, Newson [in wig..?], Sampson [Welsh]
John Byrne, Graeme Briscoe
Neil Ure, Ian Herd, name anyone..?
Neil Ure, Ian Herd, Mike Williams - 3Pl
names anyone..?  ??,  Newson, ??,  Yandall,  ??
Bob Newson, Mike Wihapi, Joe Yandall, ??
Vung Tau Leave Convoy
convoy on ring-road outside Nui Dat, barbed-wire fences visible to left
convoy on ring-road outside Nui Dat,
barbed-wire fences visible to left
leaving Nui Dat, name anyone..?
leaving Nui Dat, SAS Hill in rear
Baria cinema, destroyed during Tet 68 when occupied by NVA
Baria cinema, destroyed during Tet 68 when
occupied by NVA

convoy on the ring-road
Nui Dat Concert - Luscombe Sound Bowl
Luscombe Bowl audience   [Young]   [Young]
W3 [and others..] attending Luscombe Bowl concert - Nui Dat Australian and New Zealand concert parties regularly
visited to entertain troops
Leave Post-Vietnam
Flintoff,  ??  ,  Schwass - red bags are mail, the troops are standing on a truck deck backed up to the front of the aircraft, the aircraft doors are extended behind the soldiers    [Young]  
mail and R&C leave run leaving Nui Dat for Singapore - Flintoff, Welsh, Schwass - red bags are mail, the troops are standing on a truck deck backed up to the front of a RNZAF B170 Bristol Freighter, with the aircraft nose doors extended behind the soldiers [Young]  
Travel was by charter aircraft - who is the bloke behind Peter..?    [Young]   [Young]
post Vietnam leave, Peter Anderson enroute to UK - travel was by charter aircraft [Young] post Vietnam leave - Bruce Young at the Tower of London

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