Coy HQ 1PL 2PL 3PL Support

W3 Company - 1Pl History

1 Platoon parade Nui Dat 4 November 1970

1 Platoon final parade Nui Dat - 4 November 1970
back Cpl Paipa   Naughton  Revell  Wilson  Ashford  Gundersen  Nissen  Jane  Bertram  Adams  Kahukiwa
centre Sgt King  Cpl Lynch  McKenzie  Blair  Robertson  Toheriri  Oliver  Atatu  Hona  Byrne  Alex  Lt Cutler
front Sgt O'Brien (MFC)  Panirau  Caldwell  Mortimer  Teller  Briscoe  Nesbitt  Williams  Nicolle  Cocker

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1Pl HQ and NCO's departing Horseshoe Gate, Lt Blair in cab and Les Nissen with M60 MG [Stock]

1Pl HQ & NCO's Horseshoe Gate [Stock]
1Pl HQ and NCO's departing Horseshoe Gate [Stock]

1Pl parading [when..?]  [Stock]
1Pl parading ANZAC Day 1970 Nui Dat [Stock]

1Pl tent lines Nui Dat in dry season [King]
1Pl tent lines Nui Dat in dry season [King]
Cpl Terry Lynch [King]
Cpl Terry Lynch [King]
Pte Phil Jane preparing an evening meal, SLR & equipment kept handy [King]
Pte Phil Jane preparing an evening meal, SLR
and equipment handy [King]
Pte Peter Anderson & Lcpl John Nicolle [King]
Pte Peter Anderson and Lcpl John Nicolle [King]
names anyone..? probably Pte Graeme Briscoe on left [King]
Pte Graeme Briscoe on left [King]
what the platoon sergeant calls 'an idle soldier...'  Hammocks in the bush were rare, M60 MG in rear not apparently manned so sentry must be forward [King]
what the platoon sergeant calls 'an idle soldier...' Hammocks in the bush were rare, M60 MG in rear not manned so sentry must be forward [King]
Pl Comd Lt Bill Blair doing weapon maintenance on M16 rifle [King]
Pl Comd Lt Bill Blair doing weapon maintenance on M16 rifle [King]
UH-1D Iroquois extraction from a field LZ [King]
UH-1D Iroquois extraction from a field LZ [King]
Range practice outside Nui Dat employing M79 grenade launcher, Lcpl Craig Cocker on left [King]
Range practice outside Nui Dat employing M79 grenade
launcher, Lcpl Craig Cocker on left [King]
1Pl 'longdrop' Horseshoe March 70, urinal in pride of place in front [King]
1Pl 'longdrop' Horseshoe March 70, urinal in pride
of place in front [King]

photo gallery index    index of stories   more 1Platoon photos