W3 Company - Written Record  Mauhanga

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W3 Company Written Record - Evan Torrance
W3's involvement in Vietnam 1969-1970 has been recorded in a number of publications as shown below, which those interested are invited to locate and read.  More books of relevance to SVN and W3 Coy are also reviewed here.   [and check these links]


Two Lanyards In Vietnam, Gary R Brooker, 1994. Published privately. 
The late Gary Brooker wrote all the chapters in Vietnam.  “Contact, Contact, Contact, Wait Out” was published in the September 1970 issue of the 2RAR Newsletter “RINGO” and gives an accurate and graphic account of a 3 Platoon engagement with the Viet Cong.  The poem “Ballad of Whisky 3 “ written by Peter Anderson [but not acknowledged] also features. 
Garry Brooker wasn't an eye witness to many of the stories and most of the background came from talking to soldiers and reading wireless logs and After Action Reports.  Overall, his writings are very accurate with only a few errors.  [2nd edition cover shown]

Record of 6RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalion
Volume 2, 1967 to 1970. Printed 1972. 
Gives a description of operations that the Company participated in to May 1970.  Supported by photographs, a nominal roll and excellent maps.

The ANZAC Battalion 1970-1971, 2RAR. Printed 1972. 
A very brief account of operations, some photographs and a nominal roll.  Also included is a light hearted story that circulated after the Commanding Officer was shot in the leg while overflying the Rung Sat – an area we had been operating in!  The poem “Ballad of Whisky 3 “ written by
Peter Anderson [b
ut not acknowledged] also features.

The Vietnam Scrapbook – The Second ANZAC Adventure,
Michael Subritzky 1995. 
The chapters “A Day In The Sticks” and “We Arrive In Vietnam” from Gary Brooker’s book “Two Lanyards In Vietnam” are included along with contributions from Barry Pont, Ron Lichtwark and Wally Goodman.  Some photographs of Company personnel.  Also includes the Flinkenberg List of all known personnel who served in Vietnam.  Neville Carmichael’s name doesn’t appear and there are other minor errors and omissions – but overall an excellent reference book.


Second To None 2 RAR as the ANZAC Battalion in Vietnam 1970-1971,
John Church
Printed 1995. 
Our operations from May to November 1970 are fully covered in this book by the Commanding Officer 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalion.  Also included is a nominal roll and index.  The listing of Officers and Senior NCOs posted to our Company contains errors with two of the Platoon Sergeants wrongly named and the incorrect spelling of CQMS Ron Lichtwark’s name.  Overall a good coverage of all operations with some interesting observations on the overall conduct of the Vietnam War but see this link regarding accuracy.


We Too Were ANZACS - The Sixth Battalion, RAR/NZ (ANZAC) South Vietnam 1969 to 1970
rian Avery. Printed 2004.
This is the latest book to be published detailing operations that we participated in from November 1969 to May 1970.  A number of ex-members of the Battalion have contributed to the book giving first hand accounts of their experiences.  It is not true that
we were replaced by W4 Company in November 1970!


Voices from Vietnam - Stories of New Zealanders who served their country in Vietnam
Billy Barnz.  Willsonscott Publishers Printed 2008. 
Baden Ewart NZ Component 1970 assisted by Bruce Young W3 and Ross Milne W2 created an oral history during 2005-07 by taping the stories of around 40 fellow veterans from many different times and units in Vietnam.  Bill Barnes 161 Bty then transcribed the tapes into chapters described as 'the stories of ordinary New Zealander's who served with honour in Vietnam'.  WO2 Doug Mackintosh and Sgt Denny King each contributed a chapter, as did Bob Upton's wife Rhonda who spoke of the difficulties wives faced while their husbands were on active service.  The book was launched at
Tribute08, copies can
still be ordered direct from the author, the W3 chapters are online here.


NZ Government website
Coinciding with
Tribute08 the NZ Government created an official website
to commemorate the Vietnam veterans and the role New Zealand played
in the Vietnam war.  A more comprehensive list of publications dealing
with the NZ effort can be found on the website at this link.

Other Book Reviews - books of interest covering wider operations and policy for SVN and W3 Coy are reviewed here

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Acknowledgements and Disclaimers:
This website is one of many veteran websites devoted to recording the Vietnam conflict at a personal level and no attempt is made to offer comment on the background to the conflict.  Authors doing research into New Zealand's involvement in the conflict who want personal details are welcome to use the website to seek support from W3 veterans, use this link initially to make inquiries.

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Stories and poems are by W3 personnel or guests and acknowledged.  Comments may be added by other personnel.  Editing is done to assist clarity and accuracy.  No responsibility is held for content offered by authors.  Please acknowledge source if reproducing.

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