W3 Company - Photo History

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Nui Dat Lines  [also see 2Pl photos here]

W3 Admin HQ left end, CQMS store right end with separate entrance, officer tents to right, 1PL lines visible in rear.  Not known who made archway  [Young] volleyball court/parade ground to left of entrance, large tent possibly officers/SNCO mess  [Young]
main entrance W3 lines - Coy Admin HQ in first building parade ground / volleyball court
typical tent lines, x4 people to tent, iron walls contained sandbags or dirt to protect against ground detonating explosives, tent fly overhead for weather protection  [Young] Spt Coy canteen opposite W3 main entrance - known locally as 'Stagger Inn'.  It was the rear of this building that received a faulty mortar flare bomb through the roof missing the barman but destroying large stocks of alcohol  [Young]
1Pl lines - the tents had electricity but not much else.. Support Coy canteen opposite W3 entrance
now you see it - typical tent before removal, had probably served all three W Coy  [Young] now you don't [see it..]  [Young]
W3 were not replaced and dismantled their Nui Dat tent lines in preparation for their withdrawal
a lot of missing kit, ammunition & other stories were unearthed during the dismantling of the wooden floors  [Young]
missing kit, ammunition and other stores were unearthed during the dismantling of the wooden floors [Young]
with the neighbours demolished many tents doubled their occupancy in the weeks before departing SVN [Young]
tent lines during a monsoon downpour - photo nicked off the NZ Vets Net [Isbister]
tent lines during a monsoon downpour -
photo courtesy NZ Vets Net [Isbister]


2Pl lines in Nui Dat [Rowsell]

2Pl lines in Nui Dat [Rowsell]

photo gallery index

click this link for aerial photos of Nui Dat

see picture entitled '1ATF Aerial View Circa 1971'