W3 Company - Photo History

photo gallery index            post-Vietnam photos

W3 Company Reunions

Christchurch 1989   Waiouru 1994   Wellington 1998       Linton 2005      Tribute08

Christchurch 2010     Timaru 2015     Canberra 2016

Christchurch 1989

EVSA had a reunion in Christchurch Labour Weekend 1989, the W3 vets gathered as a subunit of the main event.  Missing from the photo are Campbell, Gorman and Kenyon.  Danny Campbell broke an arm/leg a couple of days earlier while attempting the Burnham Camp assault course - he was trying to emulate the folk on a TV programme that used that particular course!

King Edward Barracks - 22 October 1989

back:   Harris LH   McLeod  Goodman  Barrott  Pont   Nissen   Preston   Lee   Brooker   Dunlea   Whatarangi
middle: Spence   Cameron   McKenzie   Bennett   Brown P   Hosie   Leatham   King   Ure   Harris PB
front:   Stead   Anderson   Blair   Upton   Brown J   Torrance    Mackintosh   Cutler   Toheriri   Taepa

photo gallery index

Waiouru November 1994
Bill Paki was one of around 85 veterans and partners who assembled at the WO/Sgts Mess in ATG Waiouru for the 2nd reunion of W3 Coy.Coy HQ [Mullen]













Coy HQ [Mullen]

Bill Paki was one of around 85 veterans and partners who assembled at the WO/Sgts Mess in ATG Waiouru for the 2nd reunion of W3 Coy.

programme here

Support Coy - Mortars & Pioneers [Mullen]

1Pl and attachments [Mullen]











Support Coy - Mortars and Pioneers [Mullen]   

1Pl and attachments [Mullen]

2Pl and attachments [Mullen]















2Pl and attachments [Mullen]

3Pl and attachments [Mullen]

3Pl and attachments [Mullen]

the reunion contingent Sunday morning following the memorial service outside Waiouru Camp HQ [Mullen]
the reunion contingent Sunday morning following the memorial service outside Waiouru Camp HQ [Mullen]

memorial service parade Sunday [Mullen]
memorial service parade Sunday [Mullen]

"Parade 98 Vietnam Remembered"
Parade 98 - Vietnam Remembered photo of W3 personnel & families on the steps of Parliament Wellington.  This was the only time Vietnam veterans were ever formally able to parade in New Zealand

1 June 1998   Parliament Steps   Wellington
Parade 98 Vietnam Remembered' photo of W3 personnel and families on the steps of Parliament Wellington.
This was the first time Vietnam veterans were encouraged to parade in New Zealand as a body.

photo gallery index

Linton Reunion - 11-13 March 2005

V4 and W3 Company's held a combined reunion at Palmerston North RSA and were hosted by 1RNZIR at its Linton
where there was an opportunity to see current equipment including the new NZLAVs [pictured].

Bruce Young [front], Bob Upton & Fred King [talking rear left] [Cutler]
Bruce Young [front], Bob Upton and Fred King [talking rear left] [Cutler]
NZLAV with visitors [Cutler]
NZLAV with visitors [Cutler]
John Nicholle [under beret] [Torrance]
John Nicholle [under beret] [Torrance]
  ??  & John Nicolle [front] Sammy Sampson [rear right],  ?? [next to Sammy]  [Torrance]
 V4, John Nicolle [front] Sammy Sampson,
Graeme McConkey [rear right] [Torrance]
 ?? [left],  Ginge Philip & Geoff Dixon [V4]  [Torrance]
V4, Trevor Philip centre and Geoff Dixon [V4] [Torrance]
Peter Brown & Rex Ryan  [Torrance]
Peter Brown and Rex Ryan [Torrance]
 ?? [left],  Dave Gundersen & George Preston  [Torrance]
V4, Dave Gundersen and George Preston [Torrance]
the Reunion presented CO 1RNZIR with a cheque for $1000 to assist renovate the battalion history room.  Shown is CO 1RNZIR with Brigadier Torrance  [Torrance]
the Reunion presented 1RNZIR with a cheque for $1000 to assist renovate the battalion history room. Shown is CO 1RNZIR with
Brigadier Torrance [Torrance]
W3 contingent formed up in Palmerston North Square for combined V4/W3 memorial service - one flag is carried for each veteran killed in Vietnam.
W3 contingent in Palmerston North Square for
combined V4/W3 memorial service - one flag is carried
for each veteran killed in Vietnam.
Upton, ??  Clifford, Torrance
Upton, ?? Clifford, Torrance
Denny King as parade marshall
Sgt Denny King as Parade Marshall
Bob Upton in front, Sammy Sampson in rear
Bob Upton in front, Sammy Sampson in rear
wreath bearers - Quinn Rhoda V4 & John Nicholle W3
wreath bearers - Quinn Rhoda V4 and John Nicholle W3
memorial service photos courtesy V4 website

  W3 Company RNZIR 40th Anniversary Reunion
Christchurch Friday 19 to Monday 22 November 2010
programme and attendance detail at this link

Reunion photos are here

W3 Company RNZIR 45th Anniversary Reunion
held at Timaru New Zealand 13 - 15 November 2015

Reunion Photo Booklet Part 1      Reunion Photo Booklet Part 2


50th Anniversary Commemoration Canberra Australia - 18 August 2016

Dick Bennett & Mark Binning

Dick Bennett, Bill Paki & Mark Binning



Post-Vietnam [a random selection...]

webmaster [right] as parade adjutant handing parade over to CO [his former company commander in 1970] - Dieppe Barracks Singapore late 1976 or early 1977 [Young]

MFC85B [right] as 1RNZIR parade adjutant handing parade to CO [W3 company commander in 1970]
Dieppe Barracks Singapore late 1976 or early 1977 [Young]


WO2 [former LCpl] Morrison as a non-badged member of the NZSAS, chief clerk of 1NZSAS Sqn
and President WO & Sgt Mess Committee Papakura Camp 1981. 
photo from NZ Army Reveille magazine 12 December 1981 found in a wall cavity of an old army house in 2016

photo gallery index