W3 Company - Photo History

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Terendak Days 1969

Terendak Camp Wellington Lines from Google Maps 2009 showing
facilities in the Lines in 1969 [click to enlarge] [Binning]

barracks, 1RNZIR Wellington Lines, Terendak Garrison, near Malacca West Malaysia    [Young]
barracks, 1RNZIR Wellington Lines, Terendak Garrison,
north of Malacca West Malaysia [Young]

Terendak Other Ranks beach club    [Young]
Terendak Other Ranks beach club [Young]

Terendak pool    [Young]
Terendak garrison pool [Young]

on exercise prior to deploying    [Young]
1RNZIR on exercise prior to deploying [Young]

Back room in 'Terendak Bar', Bruce Young & Joe Mihinui doing justice to feed of pork bones & cabbage [Young]
Back room in 'Terendak Bar', Bruce Young and Joe Mihinui doing justice to pork bones and cabbage [Young]

probably exercising in Malaysia - dtae unknown [Gundersen]
exercising in Malaysia checkpoint with local kids in
attendance - date unknown [Gundersen]

Cameron Highlands cold weather deployment - CO arriving by helicopter on bottom field below barracks    [Young]
Cameron Highlands cold weather deployment - CO arriving
by helicopter on bottom field below barracks [Young]

Cameron Highlands - large tea plantation    [Young]
Cameron Highlands route march - large tea plantation [Young]

Terendak rubbish contractor collecting from 1RNZIR OR Mess hall. The truck had minimal brakes, no first gear
or starter motor and frequently stopped on slopes to get momentum to move. [Brooker]

Capt Jim Brown MC guard commander, VIP likely NZ High Commisioner to Malaysia [Torrance]
Capt Jim Brown MC B Coy guard commander, VIP likely NZ High Commissioner to Malaysia [Torrance]

occasion unknown  [Torrance]
B Coy Guard for VIP visitor - occasion unknown [Torrance]
funeral escort for Vietnam veteran  [Torrance]
B Coy funeral party for one of three Vietnam veterans buried in Terendak Cemetery prior to W3 Coy
deploying [Torrance]  [the three veterans were Cpl Jim Gatenby W2 mid Jun 69,
Pte Jack Williams V4 late Jun 69, and Pte Donald Frith V4 mid July 69]
28 Bde tabloid sports day 1969 - Philip with camera, Lt Fisher, Kenyon, Newson, Cpl Preston, Lcpl Sampson, Cpl Joe, ??  [Torrance]
28 ANZUK Bde tabloid sports day 1969 - Philip with camera, Lt Fisher, Kenyon,
front row
Newson Cpl Preston Lcpl Sampson, behind Cpl Joe [Torrance]
Brooker, Hatton [rear] Hansen, Spence [rear] McLeod, Hill [Taukiri]
Brooker, [rear] Hatton, Hansen, [rear] Spence, McLeod, Hill [Taukiri]

from left: [rear] Ngatae, Kenyon, Jane, Robertson, Porter, Hill, LCpl Welsh [front] Wihapi, Cpl Perawiti, Gurnick [Welsh]
Asahan Range - claymore deployment & initiation training    [Young]
Asahan Range West Malaysia - claymore deployment
and initiation training [Young]

Singapore - RAF Changi Air Movements terminal.  Departure point for all flights to SVN.  It has been suggested that most veterans returning from R&I leave would not have been sober enough to remember the building..!    [Young]
Singapore - RAF Changi Air Movements terminal and departure point for flights to SVN.  Most veterans returning from R&I leave would not have been sober enough to remember the building..! [Young]

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Nee Soon Barracks Singapore after rejoining 1RNZIR [circa1970-71]

photo taken in 1RNZIR transport hanger in Nee Soon mid-January 1971.  Prime Minister Keith Holyoake speaking to soldiers after reviewing the W Company guard.  Left rear is CO 1RNZIR (later CGS) Lt Col R Williams.  [so at least one politician said 'thanks'] [Young]W Company Guard of Honour & 1RNZIR Band wait to welcome PM Holyoake [click to enlarge] [Young]







W Company Guard of Honour and 1RNZIR Band wait to welcome New Zealand Prime Minister Keith Holyoake [click to enlarge], then address by PM to W Coy inside 1RNZIR transport hanger [Young]

reverse view 1RNZIR lines Nee Soon - from opposite end of parade ground [Gundersen]1RNZIR lines Nee Soon - from RP Sect entrance, Bn HQ on left [Gundersen]






1RNZIR lines Nee Soon: [on left] from RP Sect entrance, Bn HQ near left [on right] reverse view
from opposite end of parade ground, Bn HQ far right corner [Gundersen]

picture the contrast from a month before - 1RNZIR band 'Beating Retreat' on the Nee Soon parade ground    [Young]

W Company retained its title on rejoining 1RNZIR, lost it a year or so later, and regained it again when RTNZ to Wellington Lines Linton [Gundersen]

W Company retained its title on rejoining 1RNZIR, lost it a year or so later, and regained it again when RTNZ to Wellington Lines Linton [Gundersen]





picture the contrast from a month before - 1RNZIR band 'Beating Retreat' on the Nee Soon parade ground [Young]

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