W3 Company - Pre-deployment Photo

They went with songs to the battle, they were young, straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow,
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, they fell with their faces to the foe
"For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon

photo gallery index

W3 Company pre-deployment photo prior to the advance party move 1969
[note that not all in the photo deployed on 14 November 1969, while others already in Vietnam joined in theatre]

lower left:
3rd: Owen Mahoney, Ross Cherry, Doug Moore, Neville Howell, Don Scott, Dave Nesbitt, Tony Panirau, Graeme Briscoe
2nd: Rex Ryan, Bill Paki, Keith Abernethy, Manu Fong, Dennis Chambers, Owen Taylor, Frank Ryan, Edwards KW [V5]
front: Dave Simeon, Paddy Perawiti, Graham Harris, Mark Binning, Keith Henson, Lt David Keay [V4], Lt John Fisher, Lt Bob Upton


lower centre:
3rd: Graeme Briscoe, Jules Toheriri, Graham Ryalls, Waehapra Atatu, Peter Anderson, Reid Caldwell, Phil Cribb, Alan Davie, Gordon Alex
2nd: KW Edwards [V5], Colin Drylie, Bill Teller, Peter Vinall, Roger Greenaway, Anthony Mortimer, Wally Joe, Len Portland
front: Lt Bill Blair, Capt Jim Brown, Maj Evan Torrance, WO2 Doug Mackintosh, SSgt Ron Lichtwark, Sgt Denis King, Sgt Dave Heywood, Sgt Joe Yandall


lower right:
3rd:    RW Andrew [V5], Dave Turner, Jack Morris, Bill Wilson
2nd:   Pat Kupenga, Tom Konia, Mike Morrison, Mike Wihapi, KD Tuhakaraina
front: Sgt Larry O'Brien, Sgt Arthur Burton, E Thompson, Vince Butler, George Preston, Ted Mason


upper left:
top:    Chris Kennedy, Peter Brown, David Hall
4th:    Vic Hill, Dick Bennett, Lewis Pagan, Dave Flintoft, Stu Cameron, Don Wolff
3rd:    Terry Lynch, RJ Adams, Dave Gundersen, Bill Compton, Terry Shields, Neville Carmichael, Les Ngawhare
2nd:    Doug Lewis, George Stead, Roy Reddy, Peter Hopkins, Graham Robertson, Paul Bracegirdle, Murray Robertson
bottom:  Tom Cooper, Rau Te Haara, Earl Henry, Bill Ashford, Ben Hona, Barry Boylan, William Samson


upper centre:
top:     Graeme Edwards, Allan Small, Henry Bridge, John Barkle, Larry Rangiwai, George Winiata, Craig Rich, George Makowharemahihi
4th:     Mike Hosie, Bill Kahaki, Wally Goodman, John Mullen, Jim Mitchell, Peter Harris, David Wright, RW Day [V5], Les Nissen
3rd:     John Gurnick, Lionel Harris, Rick Schwass, Ian Naughton, Greg Porter, Hugh Auld, Len Tallentire, Richard Malloy, Roy Whatarangi
2nd:     Bill Hansen, Gary Brooker, Charlie Lee, Nigel Clifford, Jim Oliver, Dave Spence, Paul Moana, Bob Newson, Danny Campbell
bottom:   Craig Cocker, Dave Waaka, Trevor Philip, Ngatoko Kupe, WG Keatch [V4], John Byrne, Ben Te Namu, Ross Bulloch, Joe Mihinui


upper right:
top:     Mike Ngatae, Phil Jane, Bruce Young
3rd:     Richard Welsh, Bill Kenyon, Dave Condon, Ian Caldwell
2nd:    Chris Stock, John Hatton, Dave McLeod, John Nicolle
bottom:   Greg Taukiri, Lance Ralph, Graeme McConkey, Waka Clarke [later Haig-Clarke]

four are absent from the photo and added as insets later.
Derrick Marsh, Sgt Ted Gorman, Peter Glendinning and Patrick Blair

The names have been checked against the nominal roll as the names at
the bottom of the original photograph have misspellings for a number of people

photo gallery index