W3 Company - Photo History

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Fire Support Bases

Horseshoe     Le Loi     Picton       Gail      Luise     Discovery     Rhonda

FSPB DISCOVERY - West of Ham Tan

facilities dug into the ground were protected by eath filled empty shell cases, sandbags & steel revetting flown in especially for the defence works     [Young]

APC patrols frequently scrub bashed around the FSPB to provide local protection     [Young]
command facilities - facilities dug into the ground were protected by earth filled empty shell cases, sandbags and steel revetting flown in especially for the defence works [Young] APC laagered among the few trees - APC frequently scrub
bashed around the FSPB to provide local protection [Young]
US 105mm field howitzer with barrel at  full recoil after firing     [Young]

mortar tubes behind emplaced earth walls for protection from SA & ground burst munitions







gun and mortar lines within the FSPB

US 105mm field howitzer with barrel at full recoil after firing - mortar tubes behind small earth bunds for protection [Young]

FSPB PICTON - South of May Tao Mountains

W3 air insertion 1 December 1969 before deploying from the base Bn HQ and LZ from W3 mortar position

6RAR Pipe major Christmas Day

Santa arrives Christmas Day


Horseshoe Hill - permanent FSPB near Dat Do

extinct circular volcano with collapsed wall at south end gave the feature the 'horseshoe' name.

extinct volcano with collapsed wall at south end gave the feature the 'horseshoe' name.  Dark plantation top left is Nui Dat [Young]

the photo looks south toward the South China Sea along the route of the minefield.  The 'Light' & 'Dark' Green operational areas were to the left near the coast, the mountains were to the right with the minefield [in theory] between to prevent VC movement     [Young]

Horseshoe - entrance to left,
Nui Dat in tree line top left [Young]

searchlight by Bunker C looking south toward South China Sea along the barrier minefield. The 'Light' and 'Dark' Green operational areas were to the left near the coast with the Long Hai mountains to the right [Young]



mortar section command post No1 mortar pit near Bunker C
   [Young]Lang Phouc Hai mountains [Long HAi's] in rear on skyline  [Binning]









   clearing mines from the forward slopes using modified APC

artillery position looking south to Dat Do township  
Lang Phouc Hai mountains [Long Hai's] on skyline [Binning]


1Pl at Horseshoe Hill 2Pl at Horseshoe Hill

FSPB RHONDA - Long Son Island

W3 mortar section in location - no other fire support was available except 8" howitzers from the mainland    [Binning]

local kids visiting & collecting coconuts - they may have given the local VC information for their attack    [Binning]
mortars in raised pits - W3 mortar section in location - no other fire support was available except 8" howitzers from the mainland [Binning] local kids around the wellhead and collecting coconuts - they may have given the local VC information for their attack [Binning]
FSPB had no bund protection - pumphouse next to well in background  [Binning]

LZ across which VC fired - Morrison WIA & evacuated from a nearby clearing during the firefight. click the photo to link to the story     [Young]

pump house and LZ from centre of FSPB - FSPB had no bund protection, pump house next to well in background [Binning]

LZ across which the VC fired -some thought they
were local disaffected PF government troops.  Morrison WIA and evacuated from a nearby clearing during the firefight.  click the photo to link to the story [Young]

FSPB LE LOI - Route 2 North of Nui Dat

as an exercise in field engineering, this was not a good example..!  Too many bosses led to several design changes & ultimately the sandbags were placed not for protection but to prevent the structure falling down.  An anti-RPG mesh net was later added in front of the bunker for extra protection     [Young]

edge of vast Binh Ba rubber plantation in rear     [Young]

rebuilt 2Pl bunker - safer outside..!  Too many bosses led to several design changes, ultimately the sandbags were placed not for protection but to prevent the structure falling down.  An anti-RPG mesh net was later added in front of the bunker for extra protection [Young]

dismantling half the FSPB to reduce the area for defence
 - edge of vast Binh Ba rubber plantation in rear [Young]
3Pl relaxing before departing at last light for another ambush [Stock]
3Pl relaxing before departing at last light for another ambush [Stock]
the redevelopment of the FSPB followed the road toward the rubber trees with all structures to the left of photo removed [Stock]
the redevelopment of the FSPB followed the road toward the rubber trees with all structures to the left of photo removed [Stock]
mortars firing a section mission from FSPB Leloi [Stock]1Pl bunker under construction, old perimeter beyond.  CSM Mackintosh standing in centre of bunker [Stock]







1Pl bunker under construction, old perimeter beyond. CSM Mackintosh standing in centre of bunker [Stock]

Australian mortars firing a section mission from FSPB Le Loi [Stock]

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FSPB LUISE or "The Rock' - Top of Nui Thi Vai Hills

UH-1D clinging to the LZ - W3 had earlier air assaulted the hill top using this rock as the only available LZ    [Binning]

the mortars had a hard time getting a firm baseplate site as the terrain was mainly rock.  Striking a rock under the baseplate when firing the mortar would skew the tube & push the bomb off target    [Binning]
air resupply for the W3 Coy FSPB on top of Nui Dinh Hills.  Iroquois  clinging to the LZ - 2Pl had earlier air assaulted the hill top using this rock as the only available LZ [Binning] 'fire mission 2-mortars..!'  W3 mortars supporting patrols.  The mortars had difficulty 'bedding in' a firm base plate site as the terrain was mainly rock.  Striking a rock under the base plate when firing the mortar would skew the tube and push the bomb off target [Binning]

FSPB GAIL - Route 15 West of Baria


cramped - mortars, artillery and APC general view of FSPB

centre rear - white Buddhist statue beside main road to Saigon
click photo for larger image

battery doing fire mission

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