These are the two motions received to date for the W3 AGM to be held at Mosgiel RSA AM 18 November 2018:

Motion 1: That members agree to collectively fund the website hosting fee of about $200 per annum until 2021.  Moved Mark Binning, 2nd Len Tallentire

Background to the Motion: The W3 website is a leading and very comprehensive New Zealand veteran’s website providing coverage of the Vietnam War experience.  It has become authoritative and recognised as a research tool by ...historians, being listed as a reference in some bibliographies.  This interest has become more than just war stories with new information being sought into the members’ ethnicity and motivation for joining.  Is it true that more Māori than European served in the Vietnam conflict..?  As such the website can provide a sample if members actively support further research by updating the personal details of all veterans where known.  Members should note that in 2021 Bruce Young intends to pass responsibility for the website to the Ministry for Culture & Heritage as was agreed at the 2010 reunion AGM.  However most members will be aware that a closed group Facebook page “W3 RNZIR Reunions” has been started to replace the News content on the website.  The Facebook page is being managed by Bruce for W3 veterans and whānau and has around 60 members at this time, its focus is on welfare and support matters affecting W3 people.
Addendum to the motion: Jill Dunlea has offered to donate $500 to keep the W3 website going.  Jill acknowledges that Ross was very proud of the W3 website for keeping the history alive.  Members may vote to accept the donation in Ross's name which fulfils the intention of the Motion.

Motion 2: That members agree to support a 50th Anniversary Reunion in Christchurch in November 2020.  Moved Neil Ure, 2nd Len Tallentire

Background to the Motion: Bruce Young is offering to organise the Company 50th Anniversary reunion at RSA premises in Christchurch over the weekend of 13 – 15 November 2020, this is intended to be the final Company national reunion since veterans numbers are dwindling and all surviving veterans will be at least 70 at that time.  The reunion programme would be based on feedback from members and may change format.  At the 2020 Reunion AGM members will be asked to close the W3 reunion funds account by donating remaining funds to the three W3 Vietnam Veterans scholarships.