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Remembering ALL Our Fallen

Reunion project to collect photos of all
our deceased veterans headstones

email the photo here 
 [do close-up photos for best detail]


link to more news beginning January 2020 - news archive

On Facebook..?  - webmaster
W3 RNZIR Reunions
 Facebook page supports reunions that W3 RNZIR hold around New Zealand by engaging with and encouraging past members and their families to attend, to access welfare resources and to maintain old friendships.  It is a closed group for W3 veterans and their families.  Find yourself among the photo albums of our old reunions. 

Routine news, deaths and other topics are supported.  The W3 website remains as the historical record of activities.

The site is moderated and restricted to reunion and family welfare matters.  Join here 

W3 RNZIR Reunion 2020 - 50th reunion Wellington November 2020

Details of the W3 RNZIR 50th reunion are at this link

NOTICAS Fatal 603489 Pte Paul Bracegirdle RNZIR 3Pl - webmaster [16 December 2019]
Veterans are advised that Facebook members are reporting the passing of Paul Bracegirdle 3Pl in Malaysia on 10 December 2019, probably from a complication of his cancer.  No other details at this date.  Paul was known in Malaysia as
Mustapha Abdullah.
Remembering 10 October 1970 - researcher [8 October 2019]

10 October -
3Pl activities for the morning of 10 October are covered in detail at his link.  In outline 3Pl followed the tracker dog team along the route the VC party had used after the 8Pl contact.

1215H at YS360739 3Pl report being in contact - after a period of confusion the report was changed to a 'blue on blue' accident.Map of W Coy movements 10 October 1970  Four soldiers were wounded before it was realised that the platoon were firing at themselves.

    Wounded during the accident:
       Lcpl Bill Samson         Pte Ian Herd          
      LCpl W Samson    Pte I Herd

               Pte Ross Dunlea         

     Pte T Cooper         Pte R Dunlea

Map of W Coy movements 10 October 1970

3Pl activities for the afternoon of 10 October are covered in detail at his link.  All four casualties were winched from the location around 1300H and flown to Australian or US hospitals.  2Pl joined 3Pl to provide support and added protection in case the VC party being pursued was still in the vicinity.  An official investigation into the accident began, the investigating officer being Capt Jim Brown MC, the former 2ic of W Coy.

Visiting Vietnam and needing some advice - CassB [21 July 2019] 

Cass Brooker has studied in Vietnam and offers two papers that may assist other veterans to plan their trip in-country - links here and here

6RAR YouTube Films by John Neervoort - webmaster 14 April 2019  [John was Pl Comd Anti Tank/Trackers 68-70]
From the 6RAR Assn newsletter - John advises that he posted a number of videos on YouTube of film he took on 6RAR's second tour 1969-70.  Each video is about 5 minutes long.  There is no commentary, just appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music.  "I originally did these for the National Vietnam Veterans Museum so they could be used on a free standing TV operated by the viewer alongside the museum item on display (eg, film of guns firing next to a 105mm howitzer).  One special film is when I went on a flight with Jade 8 (between operations) and witnessed an airstrike by Canberra bombers from the air.  Years later after contacting Chris in Texas, he said he had taped the cockpit conversations between the Forward Air Controller (himself) and a flight of Canberra bombers on a similar airstrike.  I have included that to add to the authenticity.  I believe the film of the bombs dropping from the Canberra is unique in that it can only be done from the perspective of a Forward Air Controller."

YouTube films Vietnam War:

Report of Survey Concerning the W3 RNZIR 50th Anniversary Reunion - webmaster [13 April 2019]
The 2018 W3 AGM discussed the location for the 50th Anniversary in November 2020.  Some members had a view to have the reunion in the North Island but the matter was left open for further discussion.  In January a survey [on Survey Monkey - eight questions covering the views from the 2018 AGM) was offered to W3 veterans and whanau using Facebook and email.  This report summarizes the feedback. 

link to W3 remembrance pageCommemorating David Wright 2Pl - died of wounds 19 March 1970
Pte David Wright [left] succumbed to secondary infections [likely renal failure] from his earlier wounds in January and died in Concord Repatriation Hospital Sydney on 19 March 1970.  Dave had been well enough by early March 1970 to be writing from Concord to friends in W3 and his death was sudden and unexpected, so sudden that a last letter was received in SVN after news of his death.  Dave is buried in Esk Valley South Canterbury; his grave was visited during the W3 2015 Reunion in Timaru.

link to more news from 2018 - news archive