W3 Company - 2Pl History

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Phil Jane photos - Noel Benefield 1ALSG [6 July 2009]
Noel is Phil Jane's brother-in-law, Val is Phil's sister.  They have started to open Phil's photo albums with these four from 2Pl - anyone place them where/when in Phuoc Tuy..?  contact webmaster here if you can help...

FSPB Gail September 1970..? [Jane]
possibly FSPB Gail September 1970 [Jane]

Wi Taepa [Jane]
Wi Taepa guarding land clearing team [Jane]

Waka Clark [Jane]

Ralph Te Hara, Dave Waaka, Graham Harris - and the famous frozen chocolate milk cartons..! [Jane]
Ralph Te Hara, Dave Waaka, Graham Harris - and the
famous frozen chocolate milk cartons..! [Jane]

FSPB Gail September 1970..? [Jane
FSPB Gail September 1970 [Jane]

FSPB Gail September 1970..? [Jane]
FSPB Gail September 1970 - White Lady in distance [Jane]

Danny Campbell [Jane]
Danny Campbell guarding land clearing team [Jane]

2 Platoon in the field

Graham Edwards - section 2ic [Rowsell]
Graham Edwards - section 2ic [Rowsell]
Colin Fraser in discussion with Doc Schwass [Rowsell]
Colin Fraser in discussion with Doc Schwass [Rowsell]
Colin Fraser kitting up [Rowsell]
Colin Fraser kitting up [Rowsell]
Dave Hall just shagged..! [Rowsell]
tired Dave Hall [Rowsell]
Tom Konia getting volunteered for a task [Rowsell]
Tom Konia getting volunteered for a task [Rowsell]

'Gannet' Mullens [Rowsell]
Doc Schwass filling waterbottles from a disposable bladder [Rowsell]
Doc Schwass filling water bottles from a disposable bladder [Rowsell]

Don Wolff [Rowsell]
name anyone..? [Rowsell] Roger Greenaway with radio kit [Rowsell]
Roger Greenaway with radio kit [Rowsell]
section orders group - Duke Henry in front of photo [Rowsell]
section orders group - Duke Henry in front of photo [Rowsell]
names anyone..? [Rowsell]
2 Platoon in Nui Dat 2 Platoon at Horseshoe
index of photos story index