W3 Company - 2Pl History

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2 Platoon Lines Nui Dat
Graham Edwards at 2Pl entrance sign [Rowsell]
Graham Edwards at 2Pl entrance sign [Rowsell]
Padre 'Stac' with Dave Gundersen & others [Rowsell]
Father 'Stac' with Dave Gundersen and others [Rowsell]
part of the tent lines [Rowsell]
part of the tent lines [Rowsell]
main access through 2Pl lines [Rowsell]
main access through 2Pl lines [Rowsell]
canteen at rear..? [Rowsell]
canteen at rear [Rowsell]
part of the tent lines [Rowsell]
part of the tent lines [Rowsell]
drum in ground [with sides for privacy], used for urinating, or a booby trap for drunk troopies returning to their tent after a night in the canteen [Rowsell]
drum in ground [sides for privacy], used for urinating, or a booby trap for a soldier returning after a night in the canteen [Rowsell]
main road past W3 entrance [Rowsell]
main road past W3 entrance [Rowsell]

Wally Goodman, Graeme Edwards, Don Wollf
Wally Goodman, Graeme Edwards, Don Wollf

interior W3 mess hall [King]
interior W3 mess hall [King]


2 Platoon in field 2 Platoon at Horseshoe
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