W3 Company - 40th Anniversary Reunion Christchurch

     Remembering our Fallen       
     Acknowledging our Service

      W3 Company RNZIR 40th Anniversary Reunion

     Treasuring our Memories       
     Valuing our Friendships

Christchurch New Zealand 19-21 November 2010

These links are to the reunion programme    photos from the reunion    news item following the reunion  
significance of the Colours    Memorial Service booklet   Minutes of Meeting

Registrations  for Reunion

Registrations  for Reunion

Anderson Peter 1Pl # @ $   Binning Mark Mor # @ $
Blair Bill 1Pl #   Cameron Stu Mor * @ $
Caldwell Ian 1Pl # $   Cherry Ross Mor @
Cocker Craig 1Pl @   Condon Dave Mor # @ $
Gundersen David 1Pl * # @ $   Flintoff Dave Mor # @ $
Hona Ben 1Pl * @   Lewis Doug Mor # @
King Denis 1Pl #   Young Bruce Mor # $
Lynch Terry 1Pl # @        
Nicolle John 1Pl @   Compton Bill  Pnr @
Paipa Ian 1Pl # @ $        
Panirau Tony 1Pl # $   Ewart Baden NZ Comp # $
Bennett Dick 2Pl # @ $   O'Brien Kevin FOO party #
Campbell Daniel 2Pl * # @ $        
Hall David 2Pl * @   attending without registration
Harris Peter 2Pl ** # @   Whatarangi Roy 3Pl
Kupe Ngatoko 2Pl * # @ $   Gorman Ted Coy HQ
McLeod Dave 2Pl # $   Hansen Bill 3Pl
Mullen John 2Pl # @        
Pagen Lewis 2Pl # @ $  

Apologies for AGM

Philip Trevor 2Pl * @   Cutler Jim 1Pl
Ryalls Graeme 2Pl @   Gorman Ted Coy HQ
Upton Bob 2Pl # $   Greenaway Roger 2Pl
        Howell Neville 2Pl
Dunlea Ross 3Pl # @ $   Illingworth Warren 3Pl
Fisher John 3Pl ** # $   King Fred Coy HQ
Joe Wally 3Pl   Mitchell Bob 2Pl
Kenyon William 3Pl # @ $   Moore Doug Pnr
Preston George 3Pl # $   Newson Bob 3Pl
Reddy Roy 3Pl $   Ryan Rex 2Pl
Ryan Frank 3Pl ** # $   Toheriri Jules 1Pl
Ure Neil 3Pl # $   Wolff Donald 2Pl
Welsh Doc 3Pl $        
Abernethy Keith Coy HQ ** # @        
Clifford Nigel Coy HQ @        
Lichtwark Ron Coy HQ # @ $        
Mackintosh Douglas Coy HQ # $        
Morrison Mike Coy HQ # @        
Pont Barry Coy HQ # @        
Torrance  Evan Coy HQ # $    


Partners Family Total


  35 13 96
# partner attending  




booked @ Latimer      
$ paid registration fees      
* visit Wright grave      

Newsletter 3 - W3 Coy reunion [dated 19 October 2010]

Earthquake.  The recent earthquake [EQ] in Christchurch might be on a few people’s mind.  The EQ and after-shocks has not required any changes to Reunion plans.  There is no damage to the Latimer Lodge complex and during a visit last week the committee observed normal activities with bars open and conferences in progress.  While there is significant damage to historic buildings nearby the Latimer is a modern building and like other similar buildings coped well with the EQ and subsequent after-shocks.  There is also no damage at the Papanui RSA.  There is a likelihood of occasional after-shocks during the weekend of the reunion but these are expected to be in the lower 4 range and little more than a talking point in a city that has experienced at least 1600 after-shocks.  As the locals say, if it’s still standing after a 7.1 EQ it’s unlikely to fall during a 4.1.  Sightseeing in the CBD has taken on a new perspective but businesses are open and keen to serve you.  So join the local veterans for some good war stories and share in the experience..! 

Transport.  There are no formal arrangements for transport from the airport to the Latimer Lodge or elsewhere around the city.  It is assumed that veterans will make up groups and arrange transport to suit their movements.

March-in.  You should register for your hotel accommodation prior to marching-in for the reunion, these are different activities.  If you have not paid your reunion fees these need to be paid during march-in. 

Reunion Programme.  The reunion programme with times and places and other important detail will be available from the reunion march-in desk opening at 1800 hours on Level 2 of the Conference Centre [at the front of the hotel complex].

Our Fallen.  The photos of David, John and Tom and their flags will be present at all activities.  The photos were also present at Tribute08 and are cared for by EVSA.

Visit to Dave’s Grave.  There are 14 people booked for the visit to Dave’s place in the Esk Valley south of Timaru on 20 November; this number rules out a 12-seater self-drive.  The travel option recommended by the committee is therefore an 18-seater tour bus with all the comforts including driver for a cost of $500 for the day.  This equates to under $40.00 per person at present numbers but allows further veterans the option of joining the trip which will in turn lower the cost to potentially under $30.00 – if others want to take advantage of the offer please notify your intention ASAP, ‘firstup best dressed’ as we used to say before parades.

Regimental Dining-in.  More than 100 veterans, whanau and guests are expected for the Saturday Dining-in with the 2/1 RNZIR Regimental Colour present.  A units Regimental Colour is the focal point of the loyalty, spirit and traditions that make the unit great and W3 veterans began their regimental service with 1 Bn Depot which later became 2/1 RNZIR.  Emblazoned with battle honours, Regimental Colours are expensive and precious items, intricately hand embroidered on silk with metal and silk threads.   Dress for this important occasion needs to reflect the presence and mana of the 2/1 RNZIR Regimental Colour – serving or honorary military personnel are expected to wear mess kit or service dress, others a minimum of collar and tie, medals are mandatory, ladies dress formally.  Assemble at 1800 hours in the anteroom [Level 2 of the Conference Centre] for pre-dinner drinks, there will be a short briefing on military etiquette about 1820 hours and we enter the dining room at 1830 hours.  There will be a seating plan for the tables on display in the anteroom.  Diners remain standing while the Colour is paraded to a position behind the top table, the Colour remains in the room until after the toasts.  The Colour is not normally used as a backdrop for photographs and must not be touched under any circumstances.  Following the toasts the Colour will be removed and behaviour can slip [but is likely to be noted for the dob session Sunday afternoon..!] 

Company AGM.  The Company AGM will be held Sunday following the memorial service.  Items for the agenda are sought, and apologies can be submitted.    Will there be another reunion..?  What to do with the website..?

Photographer.  A photographer will be present at all official activities and photos can be ordered on-line.

Medals.  Medals are required for the formal dinner and memorial service.  Please wear the reunion neck tag at all other occasions; these are customised for each veteran and his party.

Registrations.  Registration will cease on 6 November 2010.  Registration is mandatory to receive the Reunion attendance certificate.  There is still time to plan your attendance.

See you in Christchurch, 30 and awakey…!

regards - the Committee     a copy of this newsletter in PDF format is here - pass it around interested parties

Newsletter 2 - W3 Coy reunion [dated 11 September 2010]

Dates:  The reunion officially starts at 1800 hours [6PM] on Friday 19 November 2010, and officially finishes mid-afternoon Sunday 21 November, although the hotel special ends Monday 22 November so that those wanting to can stay overnight Sunday.

Committee Neil Ure is the Reunion treasurer with responsibilities for activities happening on the Friday.  Bruce Young is the reunion chair with responsibilities for activities occurring on the Saturday, Bruce is being assisted with liaison with the Army by Bill Blair.  Ian Caldwell is the 3rd committee member with responsibilities for activities happening on the Sunday.

Costs:  There are 80-odd registrations to date, so the Reunion is going ahead.  The original projection of numbers likely to attend has not yet been met so costs have crept up slightly from the earlier advertised figure, and is now $130.00 per person attending the full reunion programme.  Veterans with family members who will be attending only the formal dinner may reduce the price per head by $20.00, but need to advise the reunion treasurer of the names of these family.  Costs might be revised down should further veterans or their families register but this will be done by vote at the AGM on the Sunday.  [While the cut-off date for official registrations is 6 October there will be some leeway for late registrations until 5 November.]

Dave Wright Visit:  Those registered who have advised their desire to visit Dave Wright's grave will be emailed separately concerning details for the day.  Preliminary planning will be based on a day's hire of one or two self-drive vans with cost shared among those participating.  Detail will be advised after registrations officially close on 6 October.

Payment of Fees:  The reunion bank account number is 030728-0413959-00 [account name W3 Company Reunion.]  Fees may be paid into the account by internet banking from 11 September 2010, please add your name as a reference, or posted to Neil Ure at Hoskyns Road, RD 5 Rolleston 7675.  Neil Ure will email or post a receipt in reply, please bring the receipt to the Reunion.  More than one payment can be made if this is desirable.  A reminder that registration means that those registered agree to pay their share of costs incurred by Reunion organisers on their behalf; these include the Regimental Dining-In and RSA buffet lunch.

Maori Television:  Maori TV are the leading TV commentators on ANZAC Day.  They have decided that the 2011 ANZAC Day programme will feature more stories from the post-WW2 ear and a researcher has approached the Committee to identify W3 veterans willing to be interviewed for the programme.  Any recording would be done on the Saturday.  If you have a story you would like to contribute please email Bruce for details.   Here's an extract from the Maori TV request:

"we show 3-7 minute clips of interesting anecdotes/ stories that portray events, incidents, experiences of men and women who served the country during wartime.  I thought it would be good to chat to anyone that served in Vietnam. (Most ANZAC Day programmes concentrate on WW1 and WWII) I thought that the stories of NZers in other wars such as Vietnam, need to be talked about.  If you or anyone you can think of, that has interesting anecdotes or experiences that they would like to share, it would be good for me to have a chat with you or them.  We are looking especially to find stories that a person who thinks they know a lot about the Vietnam War, may not know- stuff that may not have been talked about in NZ.  It doesn't have to be horrific, it could be a humorous anecdote or a tale of good fortune or luck.  We are interested in people who can tell us different aspects of what jungle life was like for those 300 days, or what you missed the most when you were overseas or what dangers the jungle threw at you, other than the enemy -anything really."

Newsletter 3:  A third newsletter will be available after registrations officially close on 6 October, but queries may be emailed to the committee at any time.  In the meantime details in Newsletter 1 regarding registration and hotel accommodation are still valid.

See you in Christchurch in November..!

regards - the Committee     a copy of this newsletter in PDF format is here - pass it around interested parties

Newsletter 1 - W3 Coy reunion [dated 22 May 2010]

Dates:  The reunion officially starts at 1800 hours [6PM] on Friday 19 November 2010, and officially finishes mid-afternoon Sunday 21 November, although the hotel special ends Monday 22 November so that those wanting to can stay overnight Sunday.

Registration:  The official registration form accompanies this newsletter and needs to be sent to the Reunion secretary [details on form].  The Reunion is officially open to all veterans who served with W3 RNZIR, their family [including grand-children if desired], especially family of deceased veterans.  It is also officially open to other members of 6RAR and 2RAR who were closely associated with W3 RNZIR. 
Other veterans are welcome at the ‘meet and greet’ event which starts at 1800 hours on the Friday evening in the Savoy Room at the Latimer Lodge Convention Centre.

Legal small print:  Registrations officially close 6-weeks prior to the Reunion [6 October 2010] so that numbers can be confirmed for the Regimental Dining-In.  Registration might also be closed once attendance numbers reach 160 people.  Registration is required to attend the Regimental Dining-In on 20 November and the memorial service and RSA function on 21 November, and to receive the official attendance certificate.  Registration means that those registered agree to pay their share of costs incurred by Reunion organisers on their behalf; these include the Regimental Dining-In and RSA buffet lunch.

Location and Accommodation:  The main venue is the Latimer Lodge Hotel and Convention Centre, 30 Latimer Square Christchurch, located close to Cathedral Square in the city centre.  The hotel has offered the Reunion organisers a reduced rate on all room types, and no charge for conference facilities used on the Friday and Saturday nights.  Accommodation rates offered are:  Standard Rooms $125, Executive Rooms $140, Parkview Rooms $165, Studio Apartments $150, 1-Bedroom Apartments $170, 2-Bedroom Apartments $205.  Check out the rooms on offer at this link to the hotel website: www.latimerhotel.comAccommodation free phone is 0800 176 176, or book on-line via the hotel website.

Legal small print:  Room types are available on a ‘first come first served’ basis.  Veterans and family need to make their own reservations and pay any deposit required – when booking quote VIETNAM VETERANS W3 40th ANNIVERSARY REUNION #2860 to get our discount offer.  Veterans and family are responsible for any expenses incurred other than those covered by the reunion organisers and notified below.

Activities:  The programme is designed to allow veterans and family ample time to socialise without interruption by a string of other activities.  The official activities are either in the Convention Centre or at the Papanui RSA:

  • Meet and Greet’ on Friday evening – there will be a cash bar available run by the Latimer Lodge.

  • Visit to Dave Wright’s grave in the Esk Valley south of Timaru on Saturday.  Those selecting this all-day option will be levied to cover bus hire.

  • Regimental Dining-In on Saturday evening – assemble at 1800 hours for 1830 entry into the dining room.  There will be a cash bar and band available after the Dining-In.  Dress is formal, mess kit, suit, or jacket & tie, with medals.

  • Memorial service at the grave of Charles Upham VC & bar [next door to Papanui RSA] followed by an AGM and buffet lunch at the RSA.  Attendance certificates will be presented during the afternoon.

Reunion Costs:  There is a cap of $125 per person for official activities.  [updated]

Updates: Updates will be published here and emailed to known addresses.  [email your address here to receive updates]

These links are to the registration form [PDF format] and a PDF copy of this newsletter

Please circulate copies of the registration form and Newsletter to other veterans, and advise them of the W3 website address www.w3vietnam.org.nz or Google 'w3 Vietnam' [likely to be top entry]