W3 Company - News  Pūrongo

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Remembering ALL Our Fallen

on-going project to collect photos of all
our deceased veterans headstones

displayed against their name on the Company roll
- see examples 

scan and email the photo here 
[do close-up photos for best detail]

link to more news beginning January 2015 - news archive

W3 Reunion 2015 - plan to be in Timaru for the W3 Coy 45th reunion 13 - 15 November 2015
update or confirm your email address for notices about the reunion  -  first newsletter out early 2015

Christmas Greeting to Veterans - webmaster [20 December 2014]

Tom Coopers brother Martin says it for us all:  Kia Koutou katoa; Nga mihi o te waa kia koutou, me nga ahuatanga o te Kirihimete, me te tau hou e tu mai, no reira kia pai ta koutou raa whakataa, Maa te Atua koutou hei Manaaki e nga waa katoa. All the very best for the festive season, have plenty of rest, take care and God bless. kia ora mai, Arohanui - Martin

FSPB PICTON 24 December 1969 - for 1Pl and the mortar sect the first sign of Christmas celebrations occurred during the hours of darkness after stand-down on Christmas Eve when the song ‘Silent Night’ suddenly drifted across the base from the pitch black skies above.  A Pilatus Porter psy-ops aircraft from 161 Recce Flight at Nui Dat fitted with loudspeakers to broadcast political messages to the VC had for the evening been given a new role playing Christmas carols to its own side deployed in the bush.  Invisible and able to drift slowly across the sky, the plane moved back and forth for over an hour entertaining the troops and reminding them of what would be happening among loved ones and family back home.       click for background story For Christmas the remainder of W3 Coy was concentrated on the North side of the Nui May Tao mountains:
24 Dec - 1725H all elements were advised of a 24-hour Christmas Truce commencing at 1800H - Coy were not to initiate contacts but were to defend themselves. No H&I were to be fired. W Coy night locations were Coy HQ, 2Pl and 3Pl YS724946, 1Pl FSPB PICTON
25 Dec - 1800H 24-hour Christmas truce ended. W Coy night locations were Coy HQ and 3Pl YS723940 [they moved during the period of the truce..?], 2Pl YS718946, 1Pl FSPB PICTON

The entire company finally celebrated Christmas and New Year in Nui Dat lines on 1 January 1970.

Patriotic Call to Yarn - Zilla Torrance with Fran Binning [7 December 2014]
“For the empire and for freedom, we all must do our bit, the men go forth to battle, the women wait and knit” [Lady Annette Liverpool] - Zilla Torrance and Fran Binning are appealing to W3 spouses and families to consider a “Patriotic Call to Yarn”.  This project would appeal to anyone able to produce a hand-crafted poppy for each NZ’er who fell during the Great War - that is 18,166 poppies!  The poppies will be sewn on panels and displayed at the National Army Museum Waiouru in the form of a cascading waterfall of poppies in the memorial area.   Poppies can be knitted, crocheted, sewn, felted, or be of flax - the only requirement is they be a red Flanders style poppy and approximately 10cm in diameter.  Patterns and ideas and more background are on the Army Museum web site: the website reports 4000 poppies have been made to date and the first panel installed.

Already one of Fran’s crocheted poppies is being sent via the museum to Rannerdale Veterans Home in Christchurch to be displayed at their new history and research centre.  Some towns are making their own panels, but if they have any surplus, please suggest they be sent to the “Patriotic Call to Yarn " project.  If you are able to contribute to the museum, please indicate that it’s from the W3 group.  Completed poppies can be delivered or sent to the Museum.  Please direct enquiries to:  Alison Jones, Poppies Co-ordinator, National Army Museum Waiouru

Veterans Support Act in Force 7 December 2014 - Margaret Snow VANZ [6 December 2014]
The biggest change in 60 years for those who have served in the New Zealand Defence Forces is about to happen.  From Sunday 7 December 2014 The Veterans’ Support Act will be the legislation covering all veterans, ex-Service people who have not had Active or Operational Service (but only up to 1 April 1974, when ACC was introduced), and their dependants.  This means that as of this weekend application forms in relation to pensions and services provided under the War Pensions Act 1954 will no longer be of any use and should be put into the recycling bin.

Application forms for Disablement and other Veterans’ Support Act pensions, allowances and grants will soon be available on the
VANZ website. All application forms will have their date of issue on the bottom, please use the latest date version.

Some Information or Fact Sheets in relation to the War Pensions Act will still be of use in relation to those people who put their applications for War Disablement Pensions or the Surviving Spouse Pension in just before the final date for the War Pensions Act, but they must not be used for people applying under the Veterans’ Support Act.

Who won the Vietnam war [video] - Ian Caldwell [25 November 2014]
Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War?  It is argued that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided.  The truth is that the US military won the war, but that US politicians lost it.  The Communists in North Vietnam actually signed a peace treaty, effectively surrendering.  But the U.S. Congress didn't hold up its end of the bargain.  In just five minutes, learn the truth about what really lost the Vietnam War.
14 November 2014 - 45th Anniversary of W3 Main Body arrival in Nui Dat
The W3 advance party landed in Saigon late afternoon 29 October 1969 [a Wednesday] on a 41 Sqn RNZAF B-170 Bristol Freighter before flying to Nui Dat on a USAF C130.  A so-called 'pre-main' party of 15 personnel also travelled to SVN, probably by B-170 Bristol Freighter, on or about 12 November 1969 [a Wednesday].  On 14 November 1969 the main body flew by 40 Sqn RNZAF C-130 Hercules to Vung Tau where they were loaded on trucks for the 40Km journey to Nui Dat.  At this link are the two flight nominal rolls for the movement of the W3 main body from Changi to Vung Tau.  The initial flight started on time at 0700 hours local but the aircraft experienced bird strike while still on the runway and a 3-hour delay was experienced while RNZAF engineers checked the aircraft.  The flight finally left Changi at 1000 hours.  This delayed the turnaround for the second flight which should have left at 1300 hours but which arrived at Vung Tau much later in the afternoon. 

by coincidence NASA launched Apollo 12, the second manned mission to the surface of the Moon on 14 November 1969 - Astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean reached the Moons surface on 19 November 1969.

check out the 2015 W3 Reunion page here

Australian Vietnam Veterans Family Study Report - webmaster [30 October 2014]
The Vietnam Veterans Family Study, a ground-breaking Australian intergenerational health study, was established around 2006 in order to gain a better understanding of the effects of Vietnam War service on the physical, mental and social health of the family members of Australian Vietnam veterans. The research will help to guide future policy and initiatives aimed at supporting current and former military personnel and their families.  There are four volumes, email me if you would like copies - they are PDF documents.
Bob Upton Contribution - webmaster [25 October 2014]
I FEEL SAFE AT HOME ...  AT LAST!  I've torn out my alarm system & de-registered from the Neighbourhood Watch.  NOW, I've got two Pakistani flags raised in my front garden, one at each corner, and the black flag of ISIS in the centre.  The local police, SIS and other intelligence services are all watching my house 24/7.  I've never felt safer.

Market Research request - webmaster [16 October 2014] updated /2
A request has been received to test interest in whether veterans and their family's would be interested in the veteran's baseball cap shown on the right.  It is a veterans initiative and made in New Zealand.

It is the first I've seen with the complete medal bar.  Cost under $30.00 including postage within New Zealand.

email me and I will pass on your thoughts or interest, something for the 2015 reunion perhaps..?


Request for Research Assistance - webmaster [16 October 2014]
Maj Dan Wildy 1 (NZ) Military Intelligence Coy is a part-time doctoral student at Massey University.  Dan's thesis topic is 'printed New Zealand Army recruit advertising, 1899-1999' - known as ephemera  [something transitory] printed Army recruiting literature such as posters, pamphlets and leaflets provide a unique entry point into exploring and understanding our social history.  The themes used in such items; how they have reflected changes in New Zealand society; and how they reflect the army’s self-perceived role in New Zealand society are all fascinating subjects largely untouched in existing literature.  As a doctoral candidate at Massey University, these are the key areas Dan hopes to explore and in so doing provide new insights into our country’s past.

Dan notes though that Ephemera provides only the entry point.  Personal accounts and recollections are what will give this study real value and bring it to life as a piece of social history.  If you were at some time in your past on the receiving end of New Zealand Army recruitment efforts, or possibly part of a recruiting team, your recollections would be greatly appreciated by Dan.  Gaining access to any anecdotes you might have, or copies of photographs and ephemera items you possess would add considerably to the thoroughness and value of his thesis.

If you would like to discuss this topic further or have something to contribute, please contact Dan by email d_wildy@icloud.com, or via post at - Major D Wildy, C/- Linton Camp Officer’s Mess, Linton Military Camp, Private Bag, Palmerston North.  I can also forward you his request which has other poster examples.
Commemorating Tom Cooper 3Pl - died of wounds 11 October 1970

On 10 October 1970 3 Platoon suffered a 'blue on blue' accident when one element fired on another element by mistake.  Friendly fire killed Pte Tom Cooper, crippled Pte Ian Herd and wounded LCpl William Samson and Pte Ross Dunlea.  The accident cast a pall over the otherwise successful W3 tour and left the company personnel traumatised, saddened and frustrated. 

Tom was struck a glancing blow to the head by a bullet.  He was winched with the three other wounded from the accident site by US Army 'dustoff' helicopter about 40 minutes after being wounded and flown to the Australian Field Hospital at Vung Tau.  Unconscious, Tom’s condition was assessed as critical and needing immediate specialist treatment and he remained on the helicopter which then flew him to the US Hospital at Long Binh.  Tom died of his wound sometime on 11 October 1970.

When returned to New Zealand Tom's body lay in state for three days on the Te Awamarahi Marae [Tuakau, Port Waikato] before, on the Maori Queen’s orders, being buried in the Royal Graveyard on the sacred Taupiri Mountain above SHW1 in the Waikato.  Tom’s sister Liz recollects that Tom was buried with full military honours including gun carriage and graveside volleys. 

Code of Veterans and other Claimant's Rights - webmaster [4 October 2014]
NZDF have advertised a discussion paper on the rights of veterans under the new Veterans Support Act 2014.  The Act requires the Chief of Defence Force, as soon as practicable after that section will come into force on 7 December 2014, to prepare a draft Code for approval by the Minister of Veterans’ Affairs.  In preparing the draft Code, the Chief of Defence Force must consult such persons and bodies as the Minister considers necessary, including the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association and other groups representing veterans and claimants.  This is to “ensure that a wide range of views is available to the Chief of Defence Force to assist him or her in preparing a draft Code”.  This document sets out the proposed content of the Code.  While all feedback is welcomed, your views on the following questions is particularly sought:

a.  Is it desirable to base the Code on the ACC Code, with variations?
b.  What additional content should be included to recognise the particular characteristics of the veterans’ support scheme, the special status of veterans in New Zealand society, and the need to make the Code concise and understandable to veterans, their spouses and partners, their children, and their dependants?
c.  What should be the key features of the complaints and review procedure?

If you would like to submit feedback on the proposed Code, you need to provide your comments in writing referencing the particular matters you have commented on.  Note that the consultation process will close at 5pm on 19 October 2014.  See this link for details of where to send any submissions - scroll down to paragraphs 10 and 11.

post comment here

Jim Cutler:  In relation to the subject, I know that there is a general fear among some veterans that there is a deliberate move (undercurrent, if you like) by government to place all matters relating to Veterans' health issues into the ACC domain; and that in years to come VANZ would cease to exist.  This raised its head about 12 months ago.  I am not convinced about this fear.  However, with the "Code of Vets ......" proposed to be based on that of the ACC, with adjustments to cater for the special place of Veterans, there will be another outcry I am sure.  However, having read the draft proposal, I think it makes sound sense to base it on the ACC; just don't let the term "ACC" appear anywhere in the Vets code, and make special changes to recognise "Veterans".  The onus of proof must still remain on the Crown!  How do my thoughts gel with others on this subject?? 

NOTICAS FATAL 43730 Pte Peter Bryce [Titty] Harris 2Pl - webmaster [23 September 2014]
'Titty' died in Western Australia on 20 September 2014 while riding his motorbike and failing to take a bend.  The funeral will be held 27 September in Merredin east of Perth WA.  Our sympathies are with Peter's partner Kathy Clarke and children Deon, Pania and Sonja.  A link to more details of the accident is here.  Pania's Facebook page has a recent photo of her dad and the following information: 

"Dad's Tribute is on Saturday 27th September 2014 at Merredin.  The Tribute is at 3pm starting at the Veterans Reflection Pond in Roy Little Park, King Street, Merredin.  There will be an opportunity to speak or if you are unable to make it your message will be read - if you would like to, please let me know.  Following the Tribute there will be the celebration of him at Dad and Kathy's place in Merredin.  There's plenty of room for those that wish to stay, alternatively there are a few accommodation place's in Merredin.  There will be food and booze and plenty of stories to be shared."   Send tributes here.

Tony Panirau 1Pl:  We are saddened to hear of Titty's passing in such tragic circumstances.  Please accept our deepest sympathy.  Rest in peace mate Tony & Phyllis.
Grahame Edwards 2Pl: Saddened to hear of the recent passing of Peter.  He was one of those characters who worried about little, always full of fun with a joke to share.  He carried our second M60 and he did it well.  A great guy and a good soldier.  Rest in peace Peter.
Danny Campbell 2Pl
:  Farewell to my comrade in arms you will be missed I will drink to your health and remember the good times that we had over the years, you went out doing something you loved riding into the sunset, farewell my buddy and fellow machine gunner.
Barry Pont Coy HQ:  We Will Miss You Titty.  You Were The Life at the Reunions.  Your school mate From Tuatapere.
Bob Upton Platoon Commander 2 Pl:  It was with great sadness that today I learnt of the death of Peter.  Please accept my sincere condolences.  Despite giving me more than a few grey hairs over the 18 months that I was Peter’s ‘Boss’ in Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore, I very much enjoyed serving with him.  Since those days I have always looked forward to catching up with him and sharing a beer at our Reunions.  Peter was a very dedicated bush soldier, a real team player who had a good sense of humour, lived life to the fullest and was never afraid to express his opinion.  He had no pretences – what you saw, was what you got.  Rest in peace Titty – you served your country with pride.  My thoughts and prayers are with Kathy, Deon, Pania and Sonja at this sad time.
Peter Anderson 1Pl:  Titty, you were one of the few “Good Bastards” one meets in life.  We thought you were invincible, God must have needed a “Good Bastard” urgently and chose you.  Go in peace old son you will always be remembered, you and your bloody teeth.  Dick Bennett and I will raise a glass or three to you on Friday night at the Timaru RSA.  You will be missed at the 2015 Reunion.  Thanks for the help all those years ago. I hope someone reads your poem on Saturday.  Titty and his teeth are recalled in his poem and it all did happen.  After we came back to NZ we were in the Rolleston Tavern one night and Titty in his inimitable way dropped his teeth into his jug perched on the old upright piano that the landlords daughter was playing, before he went to the Gents.  In the interim there was an altercation which upset the jug which fell with Tit’s teeth into the piano.  Titty came out and lo and behold no jug, no teeth.  He reached in from the top but couldn’t reach them so in true Titty style the piano was turned upside down and shaken.  There with the empty jug and among 100 years of debris, dead flies, moths, cigarette buts, matches, old ball point pens were Titty’s teeth. He picked them out, rinsed them in someone’s jug, shoved them back in his face and normal transmission resumed.  Evidently on the trip to Malaysia in 1969 the main body of the future Whisky 3 flew out of Christchurch and Titty arrived at the departure sans teeth.  He had lost them at a party.  He had to make a phone call to his brother/brother in law to find them and get them to the airport.  They arrived just in time for Titty to embark.  There will be a great telling of tales and reminiscing on Saturday.  Karen, Pania, our thoughts are definitely with you both. You both had a good man husband/partner and father in your lives and he will be sadly missed.  Go in peace Titty, you were a friend a man and genuine “Good Bastard” from Basic 66 to W3.
Graham Harris 2Pl: It's times like these I am lost for words.  We shared everything together.  We have travelled and seen the best and the worst of a lot of things.  Our bond as cousins has been and will always be a fond memory.  Remember when you meet God that you don't have to salute.  May God keep you.  Always in our hearts no more beezies no more.  Rest by the gates of Valhalla, and Kathy and Pania remember there is always a place here for you when you come to visit NZ.  Love from Graham Maree and Ani.
Earl Henry 2Pl:  I was truly shocked and saddened to read that Peter Harris died several days ago, he is one of the few individuals who I served with from Basic 66 right through to our wind down period in Singapore as members of the same rifle section.  Peter took me down to Tuatapere to meet his Dad and brothers and they were true people of the land.  As a very young member of W3 Titty led me astray more often than not with his complete lack of fear for any military rules or regulations, it wasn't that he broke the rules on purpose, for Titty such rules were there as a simple guideline only and a reminder that we were living under military management.  I am totally astounded, I thought Titty Harris was bullet proof, say no more.  I believe Titty came straight out of a Barry Crump novel, he was the quintessential good keen man.  While I haven't seen Titty for many a long year he is the one figure from my early soldiering life that remains a vibrant memory [abridged].

Establishment of Veterans Health Advisory Panel - Veterans’ Affairs Minister Michael Woodhouse [14 September 2014]
the Minister of Veterans’ Affairs has announced the establishment of the Veteran’s Health Advisory Panel provided for in the Veterans’ Support Act 2014.  The panel will provide independent advice on issues relating to the nature and extent of service-related impairments and the impacts of service on veterans’ health.  It will also provide advice and comment to the Minister of Veterans’ Affairs on the preparation of regulations relating to veterans’ health and will be responsible for making decisions on the allocation of funds from the Veterans’ Medical Research Trust Fund for grants and awards.  In making the announcement the Minister commented that the Panel membership brings together a wealth of skills, knowledge and experience in the health profession, and a common interest in ensuring veterans receive the health care and support they need.
Dr Marie Bismark will Chair the panel and is qualified as a public health physician and health lawyer.  She has strong board and governance experience including Chairing the Board of Dispute Resolution Services, as well as being a former Director of the Accident Compensation Corporation.
Dr Brian Cox is a public health specialist.  He is the current Director of the Hugh Adam Cancer Epidemiology Unit and a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at the University of Otago.
Dr Alastair Macleod is a Consultant Psychiatrist to Christchurch and Burwood Hospitals and has held the position of Medical Director of the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, Burwood Hospital from 1999 to 2014.
Dr Ian Civil is an internationally recognised trauma surgeon who is currently the clinical lead of the Major Trauma National Clinical Network.  Ian led the NZ Army Medical Team to the 1st Gulf War.
Dr Peter Thorne is currently the Deputy Director of Science and Strategic Development of the Centre for Brain Research at the University of Auckland.
Dr David McBride is an occupational physician with wide experience in his field and is a Professor of the University of Otago.
Mary Daly is a Nurse Practitioner in the Older Persons and Rehabilitation Service for Hutt Valley DHB.
Dr Anne Campbell is a Specialist Medical Practitioner in military medicine and achieved the position of Director General Defence Health Services in the New Zealand Defence Force.
Squadron Leader Andy Campbell, RNZAF is a specialist in occupational medicine and aviation medicine.  He has extensive medical military experience having served in the British Army and Royal Navy.
'A Duty Done' a history of RAR in the Vietnam War - Maurice Dodson [7 September 2014]
RAR Association have made available to NZ veterans soft cover copies of the above book.  The author was the Intelligence Officer of 6RAR/NZ (ANZAC) and the history is published by  the Royal Australian Regiment Association SA Inc. to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Regiment on 31 March 1949.  It is a major précis of the RAR battles in Vietnam and concentrates on Australian involvement although New Zealand company's get mentioned.  There will be a charge of $25.00 per book which can be ordered by contacting Maurice Dodson V3; all proceeds will be donated to the NZVVA [Neville Wallace Memorial] Children's and Grandchildren's Trust.  Orders to maurice.dodson@xtra.co.nz

UPDATED /3:  Maurice Dodson [5 December 2014]
the books “A Duty Done” will be posted to those who have already paid for them.   For those of you who have ordered but not yet paid I can now accept your payments.  The cost of the book is $25.00 which includes postage, packaging etc.  (All proceeds will be donated to the Ex-Vietnam Service Association (Neville Wallace Memorial) Children's and Grandchildren's Trust.)  Payment may be made by:  A deposit of $25.00 to account MF and JT Dodson bank account number 03 0539 0177758 00.  Please ensure you identify yourself by name in the payment details so that I know who made the payment.  (If the direct payment option is used you will still have to contact Maurice Dodson by email or telephone (04 4766180) to advise the address to which the book is to be posted.)  Alternatively  you can pay by cheque made out to Maurice Dodson and posted to 69 Friend St, Karori, Wellington 6012.  

NZ Vietnam Veterans Association Inc - Carol Taylor secretary [7 September 2014]
The Ex-Vietnam Servicemen's Assoc [EVSA] has changed its name.  At the recent EVSA General Meeting a remit was passed to change the name to the New Zealand Vietnam Veterans Association.  The new name gives the Association clout and identity in today’s modern climate.  The change of name for the Association has been approved by the Registrar of Incorporated Societies and is official. 

NZVVA are now developing new logos, a new email address and a redesign of the EVSA website so that it is easier to find out information for the members. The website will continue to operate under the old name until the redesign has been completed after which users will automatically be transferred to the new site for a period of time to ensure that everyone will still have access.  Details of the new website address will be in the next issue of Contact.  The new email address is nzvietnamveterans@xtra.co.nz - the old one will continue to ensure that no emails are lost. 

A full report on the Reunion is in the Association magazine 'Contact'.  An item of interest is that due to ill-health Lt Gen Don McIver stood down as patron to be succeeded by Brig Mike Dudman.  John Deazley continues as president.

Transition from WPA 1954 - Robin Klitscher [19 August 2014]
[from the Vets Net] Reference the recent exchanges on the transition from the War Pensions Act 1954 to the new Veterans Support Act, the RNZRSA asked VANZ to clarify some of the issues. VANZ's reply is attached

It won't answer everybody's questions of course. But the reality is that the transition from a 146-page, 60-year-old Act written for another era to a 236-page Act written for the modern era is not a simple matter.  It will take a little time, and patience, on all sides.  Meantime, what the letter does do is confirm that all existing entitlements will continue. And, given that the discussion started with questions around the travel concession, there's a direct assurance in that regard.

Reunion 2015 Timaru - webmaster [10 August 2014]
The 2015 reunion committee of Peter Anderson and Dick Bennett caught up with the previous reunion organisers Bruce Young, Neil Ure and Ian Caldwell in Lincoln 10 August 2014.

The 2015 reunion will be held the weekend 13 - 15 November 2015 in Timaru, based on the Timaru RSA.  The weekend programme is a familiar one - in outline:

Friday night - meet and greet including buffet.
Saturday afternoon - visit Dave Wright in Esk Valley.
Saturday night - buffet dinner.
Sunday morning - church service, AGM and buffet lunch.

The organisers will be issuing Newsletter 1 in early-2015 with details of accommodation and  registration.

L2R: Neil Ure, Dick Bennett, Ian Caldwell,
Peter Anderson and Bruce Young

update or confirm your email address for notices about the reunion.

Chris Stock Series on VietnamWar site - webmaster [7 August 2014]
"The VietnamWar web team has been working with Whiskey 3 Company veteran Chris Stock to produce a video series based on his extensive photo collection.  In these short, narrated clips, Chris recalls Nui Dat, Operation Townsville, Fire Support Base Le Loi and a spell in the 1st Australian Field Hospital. "  Many of the photos in the four montages are already on the W3 website - overall a good effort by Chris.

No Front Line: Inside stories of NZ's Vietnam War
Claire Hall’s book No Front Line: Inside stories of New Zealand’s Vietnam War has been published by Penguin NZ - W3 gets a mention and some photos.  I will do a review when the local library has a copy read review here

Removal of recollections - webmaster [6 August 2014]
Duke Henry has requested the withdrawal of his contribution to the website with the comment "
The chapters were written on the spur of the moment some ten or more years ago without much though or accuracy intended"...  The chapters were copies of work from Duke Henry's book 'Soldiering On' printed in 2002 and were published with his authorisation.

There will be a number of links to these missing pages elsewhere on the website which I will work on to locate and repair.

Veterans Support Bill now law - Ross Miller V3 [31 July 2014]
With the unanimous passing of the Veterans Support Bill in Parliament 29 July 2014 all veterans with qualifying operational service will be entitled to receive the veterans pension [VP] on turning age 65 (or can transfer across from NZ Superannuation if they are already receiving that pension).   The VP confers an entitlement to the Community Services Card (CSC) as of right i.e. the income test applied to everyone else is automatically waived.   Your Veterans Pension Gold Card will have on the reverse side the abbreviation VP/CSC.   You present that when accessing the particular service required.  The CSC can reduce the cost of:

     prescription fees,
fees for after hours doctor visits,
visits to a doctor who is not your regular doctor,
glasses for children under 16,
emergency dental care provided by hospitals and approved dental contractors (ask the dental provider if they are an approved contractor),
travel and accommodation for treatment at a public hospital outside your area when you have been referred (at least 80km away for adults and 25km for children),
home help, and
You can use your card for your dependent children aged under 18 years

This is intended as a guide only.  Work and Income (a division of the Ministry of Social Development) administers the CSC on behalf of the Ministry of Health.    They have an 0800 number for any questions you might have ... 0800 999 999.

PUBLINTICAS Dave Nesbitt 1Pl - webmaster [19 July 2014]
Dave Nesbitt's nephew Craig Linton has established contact with new information about Dave's death and burial, these along with a photo of the headstone details have been added to the Nesbitt entry of the nominal roll.  Dave died in Australia after being struck by a truck and his body was cremated.  Craig ex-3RAR will also be offering a selection from Dave's photo collection and intends to be at next years Timaru reunion.
Travel mileage rate for veterans to increase - Veterans’ Affairs Minister Michael Woodhouse [2 July 2014]
The travel concession mileage rate paid to eligible veterans will increase by 20 per cent from today, Veterans’ Affairs Minister Michael Woodhouse says.  “It is important that the mileage rate is reviewed from time to time to ensure that it remains relevant to changes in the cost of travel in private motor vehicles,” Mr Woodhouse says.  “I have recently considered the rate at which the travel concession mileage rate is currently paid and have determined that the rate should be increased.’’  Veterans with 100% War Disablement Pensions are eligible for a travel concession, which entitles them to the reimbursement of the costs associated with qualifying travel within New Zealand for personal or private purposes.  Qualifying travel consists of a one-way journey of 80 kilometres (km) or more or a return journey of 160 Kms or more.  The new mileage rate consideration is based on the average of the four flexible running cost per km rates published by the New Zealand Automotive Association for small, compact, medium and large categories of motor vehicle in 2013.  From today the mileage rate will increase to 27.1 cents per km, a 20 per cent increase over the previous rate.  The previous travel concession mileage rate of 22.5 cents per km was set in May 2010.
Website Statistics still trending up - webmaster [1 July 2014]
For no apparent reason that I can discern the website visitor statistics are still trending up in the first 6-months of 2014:

In July 350 people spent from more than two minutes to over an hour reading our stories J link to full stats here

link to more news from before July 2014 - news archive