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Remembering ALL Our Fallen
Reunion project to collect photos of all
our deceased veterans headstones

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On Facebook..?  - webmaster
W3 RNZIR Reunions
 Facebook page supports W3 reunions and veterans welfare by engaging with and encouraging W3 veterans and their families to access welfare resources and to maintain old friendships.  Join the group here  The page is a closed group for W3 veterans and their whakapapa only.  R
outine news, deaths and other relevant topics are published.  The Facebook page is moderated and restricted to reunion and welfare matters.  The W3 website remains as the W3 RNZIR historical record. 

NOTICAS Fatal 482541 Pte Richard Bertram RNZIR 1Pl - webmaster 14 March 2025

Richard died 4 March 2025 in Napier.  At his request he was cremated.  Family can be contacted at 'Bertram Family, PO Box 1055 Napier 4140'

NOTICAS Fatal as at 19 & 20 February 2025 - webmaster 24 February 2025

43750 Pte Ian Herd RNZIR 3Pl.  Ian died 19 February 2025 in Beenleigh Brisbane. Service held 3 March Mt Warren Park Brisbane.




43870 Pte Charlie Lee RNZIR 3Pl.  Charlie died 20 February 2025 in Christchurch.  Service held Avon Park Chapel Linwood 24 February 2025.



NOTICAS Fatal 40813 Cpl Graham Harris RNZIR 2 Pl - webmaster 8 January 2025

Cpl Graham Harris died 6 January 2025, likely buried Parihaka Urupa Taranaki (TBC).

W3 RNZIR 2024 Reunion AGM Minutes - webmaster 3 December 2024
Download the 2024 AGM Report - funds, future of Website, 2025 Reunion venue and dates.

2024 AGM Minutes

NOTICAS Fatal 42588 Dvr AJ (Tony) Panirau RNZIR 1Pl - webmaster 22 November 2024

Dvr Tony Panirau died 11 November 2024 in Runanga,  West Coast after a long illness.  Funeral 16 November, cremated.

NOTICAS Fatal 36371 Sgt Edward (Ted) Gorman RNZASC Coy HQ - webmaster 6 October 2024

Sgt Ted Gorman died in Dubai on 14 September 2024 age 89

Report of AGM at W3 Reunion Christchurch 14 November 2023 - 1800 hours - webmaster [17 November 2023]

27 veterans attended, there were 19 apologies. A further 19 whanau and spouses were present.  The Chairman opened the AGM with the comment " it interests me, but not surprises me, that people who shared a common experience over 50 years ago, still continue to meet as a group to support each other, and to remember the shared experiences."

Item 1: The reunion was organised at short notice; the proposal being first discussed on 8 September. The reunion program covered drinks and meal from 5PM 14 November, and a guided tour of the Airforce Museum (connecting with their Iroquois helicopter and Bristol Freighter) from mid-morning 15 November.
The relaxed format was in response to feedback from veterans that reunions be less formal, more regular, limited to 48 hours, and held during weekdays. Basing the reunion at an RSA (Papanui) allowed easy support and organisation. Decision:  Veterans present agreed to repeat the format for a reunion in November 2024, with Rangiora RSA as host.

Item 2: Funds stand at approx $4100. The organisers chose to meet the cost of the reunion evening meal and to make a $200 donation to the Airforce Museum for their guided tour. A request to the Vietnam Veterans & Families Trust will recoup this expenditure. Veterans present agreed with this expenditure.

Item 3: The W3 website hosting fee is paid up until April 2025.

The AGM concluded at 1810 hours.

W3 Reunion 2023 Christchurch - Dates & Venue...

Dates are confirmed as Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 November. 14 November is our departure day from Nui Dat.
Venue is Papanui RSA Christchurch, 5PM 14 November.  Kitchen and bar open but shared with other activities (minimal on most Tuesday's).  Expect official welcome about 6PM.  https://papanuirsa.co.nz/
This is a low-cost reunion.  No registration fee, Company funds are sufficient to cover anticipated costs.  Share any information on accommodation deals.  Check area between CBD and Papanui for accommodation options, these are on the transport network.  Christchurch Airport is close to Papanui.  Whanau or partners welcome, please advise names.

NOTICAS Fatal 209612 LCpl William (Sammy) Sampson 3 Pl - webmaster [2 October 2023]
Sammy age 79, died in Sydney 28 September 2023.
NOTICAS Fatal 699812 Pte Bryan Laurence Goggin 1 Pl - webmaster [13 July 2023]
Advice received from the Veterans network that Bryan died in the Philippines in May 2023.  Waiting for more details.
NOTICAS Fatal 42245 LCpl Hugh Auld Coy HQ - webmaster [6 July 2023]

Hugh's wife Irene has notified veterans of Hugh's death.  The funeral details are to be confirmed, Hugh will be buried in Waitahuna Cemetery Otago.

NOTICAS Fatal 728096 Pte Graham Leonard Robertson 1Pl - webmaster [21 June 2023]

Graham passed away in Darwin NT Australia 21 June 2023.  He will be cremated.
Commemorating John Gurnick 3Pl - died of wounds 29 May 1970
John was cover scout for 3Pl on 29 May 1970 when a booby trap was missed and he and Chris Kennedy were wounded, John dying of his wounds while in the CASEVAC Iroquois.  Chris recovered after a period in 1AFH and returned to 3Pl for the remainder of the tour.

A brief description of the event is here, the after-action report here, and the timeline here.

NOTICAS Fatal 43127 Pte Ben Te Namu 2Pl - webmaster [2 May 2023]

Ben passed away 29 April 2023 in Auckland. His body lay at Mahuhukiterangi/Te Riingi Marae, Tautoro (Kaikohe) before being buried at Reihana Takowau Urupa.

March 2023 Contact magazine - At the National Reunion it was also agreed that the Contact will become a digital
magazine as the costs of printing and posting, especially overseas, was getting prohibitive. Members are encouraged to get their copy sent to a family member if they do not have an email address. This will be the last copy to be sent out as a hard copy to enable those who currently get it posted to make alternative arrangements. If you have no other way of getting a copy, please get in touch with the editor.
link to W3 remembrance pageCommemorating David Wright 2Pl - died of wounds 19 March 1970
Pte David Wright succumbed to secondary infections [likely renal failure] from his earlier wounds in January and died in Concord Repatriation Hospital Sydney on 19 March 1970.  Dave had been well enough by early March 1970 to be writing from Concord to friends in W3 and his death was sudden and unexpected, so sudden that a last letter was received in SVN after news of his death.  Dave is buried in Esk Valley South Canterbury; his grave was visited during the W3 2015 Reunion in Timaru and regularly by other veterans.
NOTICAS Fatal 43646 Pte Neville Paul Carmichael Coy HQ - webmaster [6 January 2023]

Neville passed away 5 January 2023 in Palmerston North.  Remains cremated.

link to more news from 2022 - news archive