Courtesy the NZ herald of 15 October 2013 "Veterans' Affairs Minister Michael Woodhouse said that under the legislation, no veterans would have their entitlements reduced and many would get increased care, support or entitlements.  The Law Commission found the war pensions scheme was outdated because it disregarded non-physical issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder.  It was also out of step with modern disability schemes because it did not emphasise rehabilitation and vocational training.

The Veterans' Support Bill will introduce two schemes for veterans' support - one for veterans involved in pre-1974 conflicts such as World War II and Vietnam, and one for veterans of conflicts after 1974, when ACC was introduced.  Scheme One, which will kick off in July next year, will retain coverage for veterans with an impairment, and for their families.  At present, the 11,000 veterans on a War Disablement Pension receive around $214 a week.  Scheme Two will begin in July 2015 and will focus on modern deployments. This group of veterans are expected to be the larger within five to 10 years.  The second scheme will be more closely aligned to modern disability schemes by emphasising rehabilitation for former Defence Force workers who suffer from a physical injury or psychological issues.  This means they will have greater support to get back to their pre-injury capabilities, instead of simply being paid compensation. It is also designed to reduce dependency on war pensions."