W3 Company - News


Remembering ALL Our Fallen

on-going project - collecting photos of all our
deceased veterans headstones

these will be displayed against their name on
the Company roll - see examples 

scan and email the photo here  [please do close-up photos for best detail]

link to more news beginning January 2013 - news archive

Merry Christmas - webmaster [24 December 2012]

Christmas New Year Wish

I made a Christmas wish for you,
For a holiday full of pleasure,
Friends and family all around,
And memories to treasure.

I wish for you a Christmas filled
With joyous holiday cheer;
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a very Happy New Year!

 By Joanna Fuchs [hattip Annette Millar]                         You been good this year..?

Vung Tau December 2012 - Mayne Manson 161 [5 December 2012]
Back Beach away to the left, Grand Hotel far end in middle [I was never sober enough to notice...]
Mayne has chosen to live in Vietnam and is currently spending time in Vung Tau.

"Vung Tau is built on a large stretch of flat land between 2 large hills, or mountains to the Vietnamese.  The mountains are called "Big Mountain" and "Small Mountain" but the way I look at it Small Mountain has an A and B.   Small mountain has the very large statue of JC himself, facing seaward with arms wide. On the top of Big Mountain, which you get to via a cable car there is a bloody great theme park, fun fair, zoo and a large number of Temples and Pagoda's.  You can go horse trekking up there as well.   Plenty of food vendors about as well.  The photo of Vung Tau from up Big Mountain looks across the city towards Small mountain.  The beach to the right is known as Front Beach and my hotel is near where the beach meets the end of the photo.   Looking to the left is Back Beach which is the up market area where all the swimming is done."

Big Whoops - webmaster [4 December 2012]
Have been wondering why I haven't heard from anyone for a while.  Helps if you remember to transfer the website email settings to your new computer..!  So, fixed but I have received 150-odd emails from you [including spam] and will work my way through them over the next month.  Sorry..!
Digital TV Switchover Assistance - webmaster [27 October 2012]
Some of you might be interested in this link - www.goingdigital.co.nz/targeted-assistance-package

NOTICAS Neville Howell 2Pl - Sunray [27 October 2012]
Zilla and I were in Napier on Monday so called in to see Neville. He was quite cheerful and pleased to see us.  He is very pragmatic about his medical condition and would welcome email contact from our W3 folk.  His email has had to be changed as a result of being hacked and it is nuidat2@hotmail.co.nz.  He and Rhonda are now great grandparents and he hopes to get a photo gathering shortly of the five generations headed by his 87year old mother!  Kind regards, Evan
Neville has abandoned chemotherapy for liver cancer as it wasn't helping and as he has been given only 3-6 months to live has decided that he will enjoy life to the full.  He is fully engaged with family and friends and would welcome contact from W3 mates through his email nuidat2@hotmail.co.nz.  He is happy for his situation to be published on the website and is thankful that he has had the opportunity to put his affairs in order.  I found he was very positive keeping himself as active as his health allows and looking forward to seeing his first great grandchild sometime next month!!   Kind regards, Evan

Pension and Other Changes - webmaster [16 October 2012]
The Government has announced changes to the War Pension regime - the following may answer your questions:

Key facts about the Government Response to the Law Commission’s Review of the War Pensions Act 1954


·        In 2007, the Government asked the Law Commission to review the current legislation (the War Pensions Act 1954) as it was outdated and no longer met the needs of veterans

·        The Law Commission consulted with veterans, the RNZRSA, the public and investigated schemes used overseas before releasing its final report in June 2010

·        The report contained 170 recommendations that proposed replacing the legislation and recommended significant changes to the administrative and decision-making processes to update and modernise the legislation in order to better meet the needs of elderly veterans, as well as those of modern day and future deployments

·        The recommendations in the report were uncosted, and the Law Commission advised the Government to obtain rigorous costings before making decisions on the recommendations

·       The recommendations affected 12 Government agencies as well as the Australian Government.  Significant departmental consultation was undertaken with affected agencies.  This took a significant period of time to ensure that the implications of all recommendations were identified before decisions were made

The package

·                     Cabinet has approved additional funding of $60 million over the next five years.

·                     The new legislation will contain two schemes

o   Scheme One to be introduced on 1 July 2014 and will act as the legislation for all veterans until such time as Scheme Two is introduced

o   Scheme Two is planned to be introduced on 1 July 2015 and will act as the legislation for veterans with qualifying service after 1 April 1974

·                     Scheme One to cover veterans with service from the Second World War through to Viet Nam

o        Will be based on entitlements in the current Act

o   Will include a higher rate of income compensation for veterans unable to work than is currently available, based on 80% of the average wage which, based on current figures, will be an increase of approximately $200/week gross

 ·                     Scheme Two to cover veterans with qualifying service after Viet Nam

o        Will be aligned with ACC entitlements

o   Will provide a ‘top up’ to the entitlements provided by ACC

o   Will ensure equity between veterans as VANZ will provide the equivalent of the ACC entitlement plus the ‘top up’ if the veteran’s claim is declined by ACC

Key initiatives

·                     A 5% increase to the War Disablement Pension and Surviving Spouse Pension rates on 1 April 2013

·                     New legislation will be introduced on 1 July 2014

·                     The new legislation will contain many of the same provisions as in the current Act

o   The new legislation will retain the key provisions underlying the 1954 Act

o   The benevolence underlying the principles of the 1954 Act will continue as will the beneficial evidential provisions

o   All veterans currently covered under the 1954 Act will have coverage under the new legislation

o   Service eligibility criteria will remain the same in both schemes

o   Medical treatment for accepted conditions will continue to be funded

·                     There will be some provisions common to both schemes, and some provisions from the 1954 Act will be carried over:

o   The Veteran’s Pension for eligible veterans aged over 65 years and spouses/partners and the War Funeral Grant will have the same eligibility criteria as present

o   From 1 July 2015 there will be changes to the eligibility criteria for accessing support services such as home help and lawn mowing to allow an estimated 3,000 additional veterans and 1,100 surviving spouses/partners access to services

The official government FAQ document is here     The pension comparisons after the 5% increase is here

Lest We Forget - Tom Cooper [10 October 012]Tom Cooper headstone post-2008
Tom Cooper on winch 10 October 1970


Pte Tom Cooper.  Unconscious from a glancing gunshot wound to the right side of his head, Tom’s condition was assessed as critical and needing immediate specialist treatment so he remained on the helicopter which then flew him to the US 24th Evacuation Hospital [specialising in neurological injuries] at Long Binh.  Tom died of his wound sometime on 11 October 1970 at least 12-hours after being wounded.


EVSA Children and Grandchildren Trust - Ross Miller Trust Board Chair [18 September 2012]
An update which may be of interest to you:  This year we approved 67% of all applications received including every first time applicant. Clearly demand continues to exceed our ability to fund.  95% of approvals were for NZ resident applicants, the remainder were Aust based.  Approvals were split 50/50 between children and grandchildren.  The number of grandchildren applying continues to climb and will climb further. That is to be expected.  77% of approvals were for females. The average of females over males is 63%. That percentage has never dropped below 50% and has ranged as high as 80%.  Just why more females than males apply for assistance is a mystery (or perhaps not).  64% of approvals were to applicants aged <20; 9% related to applicants aged between 20 and 30 while 27% of approvals were to applicants aged 31>.  Of the older age group a goodly number of approvals related to retraining needed to compete in a changing job market.

Applications for the next funding round close mid March 2013. For details on how to apply go to our website www.evsayouthtrust.org.nz

Our special thanks to those in the VVet community who have rallied in response to our request to place our “shrapnel cans” in their local RSA. The money is starting to flow.

NZ Fallen Heroes Trust - Baden Ewart [13 September 2012]
Dear friends,  you may be aware of the formation of the above Trust.   Interim trustees are myself, Leith Comer, Rob Munro and Neville Reilly.  We are seeking your support to encourage folk you know to consider helping us out with raising funds for our proposed beneficiaries.  There is a Facebook site of the same name, and other information will become available shortly.  If you have any ideas or connections that you consider may be helpful please let one of us us know.  Kind Regards  Baden

New Community Trust To Support Families Of Fallen Heroes - 3News  [11 September 2012]
"The New Zealand Fallen Heroes’ Trust is pleased to announce the establishment of a new community trust to offer support to the loved ones of the men and women of the New Zealand Defence Force who are killed or seriously injured in service.  On behalf of all the trustees, I am honoured to have the privilege of introducing the New Zealand Fallen Heroes Trust,” said Trustee Baden Ewart.

“The NZ Fallen Heroes Trust was established by a group of people in the community with strong ties to the Defence Force who saw a role for direct, practical support to the families of those men and woman who are wounded or killed while serving their country.  Loosely modelled on similar international initiatives, the Trust aims to fund projects that make a real difference to the lives of our heroes and their families,” said Mr Ewart.  The Trust has the confirmed support of four trustees, Baden Ewart (Colonel, Royal New Zealand Infantry), Neville Reilly (Ret. Brig Gen), Leith Comer (Ret. Lt Col), and Rob Munro (Ret. Lt Col).

“I know that the recent deaths and injuries in Afghanistan have brought home to all of us the very harsh reality that our men and women face every day on our behalf. They put their lives on the line to help bring freedom and independence to people in countries who need our help,” Mr Ewart said.  “This is a chance for every day New Zealanders to do their bit and give a little to the people who give so much. The men and women of the Services give it their all. Sometimes, they give their lives.  I am very pleased to announce that over $1,000 has already been deposited in to the account from members of the community,” said Mr Ewart.  [$2700 on 13 September]

If you would like to donate, the account for the Fallen Heroes Trust is Westpac 03-0584-0281562-00

Designed to honour and support soldier's family – Tee Shirt Sales inspired by 2/1 RNZIR


“Those who can truly be accounted brave are those who best know the meaning of what is sweet in life and what is terrible, and then go out, undeterred, to meet what is to come.”   -  Pericles

Query from Nigel - webmaster [4 July 2012]
Nigel Clifford intends to travel to the 2 RAR ANZAC reunion in Townsville later this month.  He is hoping to meet up with an Australian interpreter who worked with W3, but has forgotten his name.  Anyone help out..?  Also any background on Aussie interpreters with W3 would be welcome.  Feedback here please.


link to more news from before July 2012 - news archive