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Remembering ALL Our Fallen

Reunion project to collect photos of all
our deceased veterans headstones

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 [do close-up photos for best detail]

link to more news from 2020

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W3 Website Security Update - webmaster 19 August 2021.
The W3 website has a security update that changes the URL (address). You can update by clicking this link https://w3vietnam.org.nz/ then deleting the old one. The change is in the HTTP bit at the start with the S designating a secure site - look for the S if unsure - https://w3.  If the old link is in your task bar Favourites right click on it and delete.

On Facebook..?  - webmaster
W3 RNZIR Reunions
 Facebook page supports W3 reunions and veterans welfare by engaging with and encouraging W3 veterans and their families to access welfare resources and to maintain old friendships.  Join the group here  The page is a closed group for W3 veterans and their whakapapa only.  R
outine news, deaths and other relevant topics are published.  The Facebook page is moderated and restricted to reunion and welfare matters.  The W3 website remains as the W3 RNZIR historical record. 

NOTICAS Fatal 727583 Pte Roger Joseph Greenaway 2Pl - webmaster [24 October 2021]
Roger's son Luke advises that Roger passed away 21 September 2021 from heart failure while training for his second Ironman at age 75.  Roger
is survived by his wife, Mihingarangi Greenaway who still lives in Turangi, his 10 children and 24 grandchildren aged between 2 and 53yrs old.   Roger's tangi was held at Pakira Marae Waitahanui near Taupo, and he is buried in the urupa at 11 Whetu Place Taupo.

Rogers unveiling will be held approx 1 year after his death, and any Whisky 3 friends will be most welcome, contact Luke Greenaway.

Commemorating Pte Tom Cooper 3Pl - died of wounds [11 October 1970]

On 10 October 1970 3 Platoon suffered a 'blue on blue' accident when one element fired on another element by mistake.  Friendly fire killed Pte Tom Cooper, crippled Pte Ian Herd and wounded LCpl William Samson and Pte Ross Dunlea.  The accident cast a pall over the otherwise successful W3 tour and left the company personnel traumatised, saddened and frustrated. 

Tom was struck a glancing blow to the head by a bullet.  He was winched with the three other wounded from the accident site by US Army 'dustoff' helicopter about 40 minutes after being wounded and flown to the Australian Field Hospital at Vung Tau.  Unconscious, Tom’s condition was assessed as critical and needing immediate specialist treatment and he remained on the helicopter which then flew him to the US Hospital at Long Binh.  Tom died of his wound sometime on 11 October 1970.

When returned to New Zealand Tom's body lay in state for three days on the Te Awamarahi Marae [Tuakau, Port Waikato] before, on the Maori Queen’s orders, being buried in the Royal Graveyard on the sacred Taupiri Mountain above SHW1 in the Waikato.  Tom’s sister Liz recollects that Tom was buried with full military honours including gun carriage and graveside volleys. 

National Reunion Postponed until Early 2022  - webmaster [18 September 2021]
Reunion Committee is advising that the Christchurch Reunion in December is postponed until 15 - 18 February 2022. Covid has complicated arrangements - materials to finish the Convention Centre venue are held-up in Auckland, and there are doubts around new restrictions for Covid levels allowing large gatherings. 2/1RNZIR have advised that under Level 2 they are unable to host the gathering. But a bit of optimism - the new dates might allow Australian-based veterans to attend.
Organisers will follow-up with hotels about continuing any reunion deals and fees will carry over unless individuals request a refund from the reunion treasurer. treasurer@nzvietnamveterans.org.nz  Refunds for flights, accommodation and other advanced booking are left to individual veterans/whanau to manage.

NOTICAS FATAL 940901 Pte Lawrence Hugh Rangiwai 2Pl - webmaster [updated 11 August 2021]
Larry passed 9 August. A service for Larry was held at Evans Funeral Home GISBORNE 10 August. He was then taken via the Tuatini Marae and Te Ariuru Marae to arrive Thursday 12 August at the Taharora Marae for his Tangihanga Friday - I believe this to be at WAIPIRO BAY. Larry was 73 and apparently still working. Medals please.

Larry's iwi is Te Whānau a Iritekura of Ngāti Porou


PROGRAMME FOR NZVVA 2021 NATIONAL REUNION - Webmaster [1 August 2021]

Location Christchurch 15 - 18 February 2022

Day 01 – Monday 06 December 21:

  • 1500 - Registrations Open, Q Store available
  • 1700 - Mix and Mingle, Drinks / Finger food, open to all Whanau and Soldiers, Past and Present Members

Day 02 – Tuesday 07 December 21:

  • 0600 - 0900 Breakfast
  • 0900 – 1000 Board Buses for Burnham
  • 1000 – 1300 Powhiri - Welcome Whaikorero – NZVVA Speakers
  • Presentation and Static Display - 2/1 RNZIR
  • Light Lunch / Afternoon Tea
  • 1300 – Late Free Time –Opportunity for Corps / Sub Unit activity

Day 03 – Wednesday 08 December 21:

  • 0630 – 1000 Breakfast
  • 1000 – 1200 AGM (activities for Associate Members, Family and Friends)
  • 1200 - 1230 Interlude - Coffee
  • 1230 - Veterans Affairs presentation - Spouse/Partners entitlements after their veteran has passed.
  • Potential Face to Face appointment with a NZ Veteran Affairs Case Manager
  • 1800 – 1900 `NZVVA National Presidents Happy Hour / Shout
  • 1900 - 2359 Reunion Dinner

Day 04 – Thursday 09 December:

  • 0630 – 1000 Breakfast
  • 1000 – 1030 Form Up – Medals to be Worn
  • 1030 – 1100 March to Bridge of Remembrance
  • 1100 – 1200 Parade / Church Service
  • 1200 – Light Lunch
  • Reunion Closure

Registration Form - $50 discount if registered by 1 September.. Accommodation deals in March Contact

Commemorating John Gurnick 3Pl - died of wounds 29 May 1970
John was cover scout for 3Pl on 29 May 1970 when a booby trap was missed and he and Chris Kennedy were wounded, John dying of his wounds while in the CASEVAC Iroquois.  Chris recovered after a period in 1AFH and returned to 3Pl for the remainder of the tour.

A brief description of the event is here, the after-action report here, and the timeline here.

NOTICAS FATAL 543240 Pte Waehapara Lucky Atatu 1Pl - webmaster [2 April 2021]

Hoki Kahukiwa advises that Waehapra (Lucky) Atatu succumbed to cancer on 1 April 2021 at Whakatane Hospital. He will be taken to Waiohau Marae before burial.

Funeral details to come.

link to W3 remembrance pageCommemorating David Wright 2Pl - died of wounds 19 March 1970
Pte David Wright [left] succumbed to secondary infections [likely renal failure] from his earlier wounds in January and died in Concord Repatriation Hospital Sydney on 19 March 1970.  Dave had been well enough by early March 1970 to be writing from Concord to friends in W3 and his death was sudden and unexpected, so sudden that a last letter was received in SVN after news of his death.  Dave is buried in Esk Valley South Canterbury; his grave was visited during the W3 2015 Reunion in Timaru and regularly by other veterans.
NOTICAS FATAL 308185 LCpl David Condon mortars - webmaster [updated 30 January 2021]
Mark Binning advises that Dave Condon passed away 23 November 2020 after a long spell in hospital.  He had been struggling to eat among other issues.  Dave had prior service in Borneo and with 161 Bty RNZA in South Vietnam.  Ann has family support.

Dave’s wife Ann advises the following details for Dave's memorial service:
11.00 AM, 23rd January 2021, Northwest Baptist Church, 95 Rotokauri Road Hamilton.

 Dave has been cremated but will be buried in the services section of the Dargaville Cemetery once his step son and daughter can visit from the UK. 

Mark Binning: Dave’s service was attended by around 70 people including Evan & Zilla Torrance, Fran and myself, Mike Morrison and Stu Cameron.  Other veterans were also present.  Mike and I spoke about our time together with Dave  in Vietnam and our association with Dave both prior to and after Vietnam.  Dave's widow Ann was very pleased with the turn out and mentioned that Dave had thoroughly enjoyed his 20 year Army service and was always keen to maintain contact with his army mates.

link to more news from 2020 - news archive