W3 Company - News


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Update on MOU on Veterans Concerns [19 June 2007]
This report is taken verbatim from the Vets Net, author George Matthew:

Further Categories of Registration.  Two additional types of Registration Form have been added to specifically cover Deceased Children and Deceased Spouses/Partners (ie. including a deceased partner/spouse of a veteran).  If people have already registered family members in these two categories by adapting one of the other types of Registration Forms, it is NOT necessary to complete one of the new forms.  As with all Registration Forms, copies can be obtained by downloading from the VANZ website www.veteransaffairs.mil.nz or by phoning freephone 0800 483 8372 and requesting forms be mailed to you.

Registrations Encouraged.  Please get your registrations in to VANZ for yourself and your family members.  Also, please encourage your veteran friends and their families to do the same.  Being registered is an essential first step to ensuring you and your family access the various provisions and entitlements of the Memorandum of Understanding now and as they develop in the future.  Contrary to rumours, in NO WAY does being registered with VANZ limit your rights to pursue other forms of action in regard to seeking redress should you consider that necessary.

Update on Implementation.  A complete Update on progress with Implementation will be distributed as widely as possible after the 14 June JIG Meeting (ie. during the week 17-23 June).  The processes involved are complex and in many cases are unique to the MoU.  Progress has been happening, but in small steps that would mean little when reported in isolation.  In spite of what some may expect, it is not a case of a "big" step or outcome to report after every JIG meeting or working session.  The JIG continues its work between meetings. As always bureaucratic progress is measured in small, though hopefully inexorable, steps.

1RNZIR 50th Birthday Gathering RV Query [10 June 2007]
Duke Henry wants to know of a suitable RV for W3 people in Palmerston North during the 1RNZIR birthday reunion.  Anyone going care to suggest a suitable venue..?  contact the webmaster

late notice: Duke under contract again, not attending reunion
[L to R] Doc Welsh, George Preston, Neil Ure, Bruce Young, Peter Henderson10 October Accident Presentation [27 May 2007]
The initial presentation on research into the 3Platoon 10 October 1970 accident [called Draft 3] was offered to a group of participating veterans at Kevin Holley's pub in Waimate 26 May 2007.  Those attending were Bruce Young-researcher, George Preston, Neil Ure, Peter Henderson and Doc Welsh.  The presentation had new detail on the accident and was well received with the group offering to assist further research where possible.  Detail for the presentation was gathered from official war diaries from Australia, some NZ Army files, and recollections from New Zealand and Australian veterans.  There has been contact with the Cooper family who have requested that Tom's headstone be replaced to correct the two errors discovered during the research.  In due course Draft 4 will have further participant’s recollections and include observations and any corrections from the Army official investigation [if found], if you were there you can expect a call or email from the researcher.  Draft 4 will be available to all 3Pl personnel and their families. Draft 5 will be generally released.  Anyone who wishes to contribute to the research is invited to contact the webmaster

[L to R] Doc Welsh, George Preston, Neil Ure, Bruce Young, Peter Henderson

1RNZIR 50th Birthday [3 May 2007]
1RNZIR are celebrating 50 years of service [as at 1 August 2007] with a series of events over the period 4-5 August 2007.  All former members of 1RNZIR and their partners are invited, registration forms are on the Army website and should be submitted by 30 June 2007.  The Army website offers further information on the programme, and links to accommodation providers.  If you are going drop a note to this link and your name will be added to the website news so others can expect to see you.
Duke Henry [1 May 2007]
Its never good news to hear of another friend passing away. GA was a great mate and fellow compatriot. Along with Barry Boylan, Rau Te Harra, Titty Harris and crew I enjoyed GA's company, he helped ensure that 1 Platoon was well represented in the infamous 2 Platoon sorties. I hope GA's send off is a good one and he can rest assured that I will spend a quiet 5 minutes or so today thinking back to those hard case activities so long ago.
I would love to catch up with as many of the guys as possible in the coming 12 months. I will be in Brisbane and Perth then NZ Aug this year for the 1RNZIR 50th Birthday.  Regards to all
Noticas Fatal 309389 Pte GA Alex 1Pl - webmaster [30 April 2007]
The Vets Net has reported the death of Gordon Alex ex W3 in Western Australia. 

Not much detail known, he died at the home of another Vietnam Veteran and the funeral is 1 May.

Duke Henry [29 April 2007]
Duke was wondering if any W3 pers are attending the 1RNZIR 50 Birthday celebrations at Linton 4-5 August 2007, he is attending and is keen to catch up with others.  Duke is now out of Baghdad and back in the Philippines in the process of setting up a training facility for security personnel.  He invites veterans visiting the Philippines to give him a call.
Request for Information [29 April 2007]
Tim McConkey, the brother of our Graeme McConkey has approached the website seeking contact with any W3 people who know his brother.  He writes 'I seem to need to know what you guys did for us and what you guys went through'.  Tim's email address is tbmcc6@kol.co.nz
ANZAC DAY 2007 [25 April 2007]
We remember the sacrifice of David Wright, John Gurnick and Tom Cooper; at the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them..!
Update on MOU on Veterans Concerns [19 April 2007]
The Government has undertaken as part of the MOU signed last year, to create a comprehensive register of veterans, including those deceased, their children and grand-children.  Children can be natural, adopted or step children.  Veterans whose addresses are not known to the Ministry of Veteran's Affairs from previous registrations need to obtain the appropriate paper either by phoning Veterans Affairs on 0800 483 8372, or by emailing veterans@xtra.co.nz.  There are different forms for veterans, spouses and children.  Papers are also available from Veterans Affairs website.  Previous registrations are said not to be comprehensive enough for the new register and all veterans are requested to do the paperwork again.

read the full content of the MOU here

Update on Research into 3Pl Accident [19 April 2007]
Draft 3 of the research into events around 10 October 1970 has been provided to the oversight committee.  Draft 3 sets the operational outline for the movement and linkage of forces involved based on full access to the official war diaries and actual operational maps.  The draft also has contributions from veterans in Australia and NZ, and includes recollections from a wide variety of appointments.   It is intended Draft 3 will be formally presented to a small group of contributing veterans in Waimate on 26 May; it will then be available to other contributors.
In due course Draft 4 will have further participant’s recollections and include observations and any corrections from the Army official investigation [if found], if you were there you can expect a call or email from the researcher.  Draft 4 will be available to all 3Pl personnel and their families. Draft 5 will be generally released.  Anyone who wishes to contribute to the research is invited to contact the webmaster
Graeme McConkey [19 April 2007]
Don Wolff advises Graeme has left Raumati, now likely resident in Perth. Anyone have a new address..?
contact the webmaster
Peter Harris [14 March 2007]
anyone know Peter Harris new email address..?  contact the webmaster
Bruce Young [28 January 2007]
Viet Nam MoU - Update on Veteran Discussion Forum  [PDF file - distribute widely among veterans]

needs Adobe Reader - download from this link

link to more news from before January 2007 - news archive