W3 Company - News |
link to more news beginning June 2006 - news archive |
Roll Call [31 May 2006] Chris Stock and Ben Te Namu have joined EVSA, anyone know their email addresses..? offer comment here [have located Chris Stock - no email however] |
Wrights Grave [27 April 2006]![]() David Wrights grave in the Esk Valley Church just out of St Andrews in South Canterbury. Each year the South Canterbury Ex Viet Nam Veterans and others parade at Wrights grave and recite the ode, lay poppies and the Last Post and Reveille are sounded. Some years there may only be 4 or 5, other years 10 or 12 attend. This year there were 18. from left to right: Smiley Haua (V2), Doc Welsh (161 and W3), Richard Bennett (W3), John Patmore (V4), Aussie Young (V5), Andy Anderson (W3), Rapa Whiu (V5), Max Hunter (161), Major Grant Day, 2 Cants and WO1 Kevin Collins, 2 Cants. Major Day’s wife and two daughters also attended as did the three children of the Bugler Les Glendinning, Timaru Municipal Band and ex 2 Cants member. Judy Stonehouse sister of the late Lt Ian Glendenning (V5) also attended. The photos are not top quality due to the bad light at 0725 and the persistent precipitation, (bloody drizzle). Cheers Peter Anderson |
ANZAC DAY - We Will Remember Them...! [25 April 2006] Pte DN Wright, RNZIR DOW 19 March 1970 Pte JL Gurnick, RNZIR KIA 29 May 1970 Pte T Cooper, RNZIR DOW 11 October 1970 |
Update Cribb
Campbell [17 April 2006] Sunray spoke to both Danny Campbell and Phil Cribb recently and advised that "both have non operational computers and were not aware of the website. Suggested to them that they have a look using a friend/relation/neighbour computer or come and pay me a visit when they are passing through Palmerston North - we will wait and see. Both were in good health and wished me to pass on their best wishes to you and all of our ex members." |
Jim Oliver [2 April 2006] Bruce Young spotted a vehicle number plate in Arrowtown 'W3NAM' and checked out the owner, none other than Jim Oliver ex-1 Pl. Jim runs a mobile van in the Queenstown area filtering cooking oils for restaurants. Contact is 027 246 3886 |
Missing in
Action [14 March 2006] EVSA 'Contact' reports that Bill Teller and Gordon Alex have moved from their known addresses. Anyone still in contact with them..? offer comment here |
Year of Veteran
[YoV] Links: [9 March 2006] In recognition of the 90th Anniversary of the RNZRSA the New Zealand Government has designated 2006 as the ‘Year of the Veteran', a year in which New Zealand communities will have the opportunity to commemorate and honour the sacrifice and service of New Zealand 's servicemen and women. The following links allow members to apply for their YoV lapel badge and certificate: RNZRSA explanation of veteran entitlements |
Helen Clark
Launches Year of the Veteran: [6 March 2006] Address at
the Year of the Veteran launch |
Update -
Mark Binning [14 Feb 06] "Back in the Hawke's Bay now. Have been doing well in patches but not feeling so good today. Trying to keep healthy and exercise while I wait to see my Cardiologist here. I suppose used to be a healthy one, but heart problems can strike anyone. Everyone should look at their lifestyles - check their cholesterol, diet, exercise regime's, smoking, drinking (change to red wine). I have done some writing but to be frank not much, have had time away from the computer and any work stuff - just haven't been in the mood to spend time at the computer. Too much on my mind. But I will get there in time - It's a difficult period and I don't seem to be handling it as well as I could. I'll keep in touch... Mark" |
National Reunion Attendance -
Palmerston North 2-5 June 2006 [9 Feb 06] George Preston and Neil Ure are first to confirm they will be in Palmerston North at the National Reunion. If you plan to attend send the webmaster an email and have your name added to the W3 attendance list. |
Website Statistics [for January
2006] "171 unique visitors came to the site, as determined by typical behaviour of browsers with a non-rotating IP address and including a projection of the true number of visitors with rotating IP addresses. The web site received 358 visits. A typical visitor examined 19.64 distinct files before leaving the site. A typical visit lasted for 6.57 minutes. The longest visit lasted for 62 minutes." AO article was top read. |
and Gurnick Photos Wanted
[9 Feb 06] The website is seeking photos of Dave Wright and John Gurnick to publish on the Remembrance page, anyone able to help..? Also need individual names for the photos in the photo gallery. |
No Photos - Peter
Anderson [27 Jan 06] |
Roy Whatarangi
and Bruce Young -
Christchurch [16 Jan 06]
Heart Attack -
Mark Binning [14 Jan 06] Following email was received from Mark Binning after he was asked for the 2nd half of the mortar section history. "Actually, I'm still in Fox Glacier. The day before I was to return to the North Island (3rd) I suffered quite a major heart attack and did a favourable impression of "Man Dying" before giving the West Coast emergency services a very thorough testing. To add to the drama I had to pick a day when the weather was bad and rescue chopper ops touch and go. However, they managed to get in and whisk me to Greymouth following the coast and at quite low level - not quite the ride I would have liked since I was cast in a stretcher on the floor. I noted in an e-mail to an old friend of mine in the US - a former marine officer with two tours in SVN - that this was my first chopper ride since coming off our last op in '70. Ed's response was: "Holly Shit! What a way to get a flash back. You didn't take any rounds on the way did you?" Funny guy. Anyway, the people in Greymouth critical care unit got clot busting drugs into me and saved the day. I have recovered very well and was out last Saturday. Have stayed on here recovering and waiting until I'm fit enough to travel. Bit of a bum start to the New Year, but the good news (at least for me) is that I'm still around. I have a lot of rest and recovery ahead so I should have more time to complete the [mortar section] history." Mark stresses he's recovering well. |
link to more news from before December 2005 - news archive |